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संवाद - A podcast series by Learnhub - A peer learning market place
संवाद - A podcast series by Learnhub - A peer learning market place

संवाद - A podcast series by Learnhub - A peer learning market place

welcome to LearnHub! LearnHub is a market place for peers to learn, teach and exchange new skills. In our debut podcast episode we’d like you to hear from Stanzin Jordan, one of the CO founder of Ladakh Basket. This is the first e-commerce platform in new UT of Ladakh, selling local food products. Stay tuned to hear about their entrepreneurial journey.

Available Episodes 1

LearnHub is a peer learning platform offering a market place to teach, learn or exchange your skills.  In our debut episode, we have Stanzin Jordan (Co-founder of Ladakh Basket- the first e-commerce platform of Ladakh) is going to share his entrepreneurial journey of how he co-founded his venture, mistakes and learnings along the way and some insights into their branding, supply chain management and forming partnerships.