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Design Your Decade
Design Your Decade

Design Your Decade

Don’t let microbes and murder hornets assassinate your dreams. Become the MVP at your office and get promoted to the C-Suite so you can afford that underground compound you’ve always wanted. We are #thenewnormal in rapid career growth and professional development. Gain the knowledge necessary to navigate your career path through the corporate ranks into the C-Suite and make serious bank.

Available Episodes 10

DYD is back for Season 2 with a Summer MEGA-Trailer inspired by 13 Summer Blockbusters and one BONUS outro vignette.

If you can name all 13 Summer Blockbusters our MEGA-Trailer was inspired by + the BONUS outro title you can win a $100 Amazon GC. Email the 14 titles to for your chance to win. Entries must be received by June 14th 9am EST.

Work to live, don't live to work. For reals player. We are transient in this life because tomorrow is not promised. So what do you want your life to mean while you are here. What do you want to experience, taste, see? Who do you want to make happy?

Your kids, spouse, parents, yourself?

And most importantly what shade of seafoam do you want to paint that seaside villa you've always wanted?

The DYD podcast is designed to accelerate the career trajectory of:

•   Recent college graduates

•   Graduates and Professionals interviewing for new employment

•   New professionals: 5 years or less employed at current job

•   Middle Management: 5-10 years employed

•   Professionals in creative fields, media and entertainment

Get coached, move up the ladder, make bank.


For Career Coaching:

Podcast-related inquiries:

Feel like you're repeating the same mistakes over and over? Doing the same sh-- and getting the same sh---y results? Today's episode is a Top 10 List on How to Kick Ass in Life - but only figuratively!

Disclaimer: We are not liable for misinterpreted messages.

Design Your Decade: The MasterMind. In this 8-session mastermind you will walk away with actionable strategies that will allow you to be bold in ways that will take your goals to the next level.

The dilemma

Does a handful of tech designers have too much control over the way billions of us think, act, and live our lives? We explore the questions the the documentary The Social Dilemma poses as it unveils the hidden machinations behind everyone’s favorite social media and search platforms.


Were you involved with the production of The Social Dilemma or work for a social media/search engine company? We want to hear your side of the story. Email us at

Design Your Decade: The MasterMind. In this 8-session mastermind you will walk away with actionable strategies that will allow you to be bold in ways that will take your goals to the next level.

What happens when a $47 Billion Unicorn Tech Startup liquefies to near bankruptcy faster than butter in a hot cast-iron skillet? More does that happen? Today's episode is about the epic meltdown of the brainchild of one of the most enigmatic leaders of the 21st century - and how to tell the difference between a social circle and a cult.

Did you work for or with WeWork? We want to hear your side of the story. Email us at

Design Your Decade: The MasterMind. In this 8-session mastermind you will walk away with actionable strategies that will allow you to be bold in ways that will take your goals to the next level.

Rio Rocket featured as Marvel expert on The Falcon and The Winter Solider:

What type of leadership style do you gravitate to? What type of leader are you? A case study of leadership styles from the hottest streaming series reveals alot about the type of leader you may be or work better with Like Sharon Carter, when the dust settles, you may be secretly nominated Horrible Boss or Employee-of-the-Month. Find out which one.

Design Your Decade: The MasterMind. In this 8-session mastermind you will walk away with actionable strategies that will allow you to be bold in ways that will take your goals to the next level.

The Four Horsemen of Conflict are hard at work at a workplace near you: Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness and Stonewalling. These escalating patterns lead to apocalyptic outcomes for your business relationships unless you eliminate and replace them quickly.

Design Your Decade: The MasterMind. In this 8-session mastermind you will walk away with actionable strategies that will allow you to be bold in ways that will take your goals to the next level.

Tech is accelerating, like, really accelerating. But we bet you already knew that and want to know the why, how, where, what and when the s**** is going to hit the fan SkyNet Terminator style. Well, what we're trying to say is, about that fan, it's already hit.

The DYD podcast is designed to accelerate the career trajectory of:

•   Recent college graduates

•   Graduates and Professionals interviewing for new employment

•   New professionals: 5 years or less employed at current job

•   Middle Management: 5-10 years employed

•   Professionals in creative fields, media and entertainment

Get coached, move up the ladder, make bank.


For Career Coaching:

Podcast-related inquiries:

AFFIRMATION: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

The DYD podcast is designed to accelerate the career trajectory of:

•   Recent college graduates

•   Graduates and Professionals interviewing for new employment

•   New professionals: 5 years or less employed at current job

•   Middle Management: 5-10 years employed

•   Professionals in creative fields, media and entertainment

Get coached, move up the ladder, make bank.


For Career Coaching:

Podcast-related inquiries:

Not every one graduated from Cole Brown Township High School and went on to Martin Payne Community College. Some of us have to work for what we have in life. Learn a hiring lesson from TenTech. And if you want to close the deal on your next job interview then UN-learn it quick!

The DYD podcast is designed to accelerate the career trajectory of:

•   Recent college graduates

•   Graduates and Professionals interviewing for new employment

•   New professionals: 5 years or less employed at current job

•   Middle Management: 5-10 years employed

•   Professionals in creative fields, media and entertainment

Get coached, move up the ladder, make bank.


For Career Coaching:

Podcast-related inquiries: