हरि ओम् || Hari Om</p>This podcast has been created to assist anyone in learning the Nārāyaṇīyaṃ. It has been recorded by Kumar, from the summer of 2020 to the winter of 2023.</p>He follows the same paddhati (pedagogical approach) as his Gurus. The premise of the paddhati is to break down each sentence into small components, repeat the components until familiar, and then rebuild the sentence.</p>The script for the Nārāyaṇīyaṃ is widely available online. If you are familiar with Sanskrit or Hindi, please refer to this link (<a href="https://narayaneeyam-firststep.org">https://narayaneeyam-firststep.org</a>). If you are familiar with English or any other Indian language, please refer to this link (<a href="https://vignanam.org/english/narayaniyam-dashaka-1.html">https://vignanam.org/english/narayaniyam-dashaka-1.html</a>).</p>In order to learn the Nārāyaṇīyaṃ using these recordings, we recommend chanting along with the audio in order to build familiarity and confidence. If a phrase is particularly difficult, we recommend replaying that section of audio before continuing with the rest of the sloka.</p>If you have any questions, please email us at learntochant[at]<a href="http://outlook.com">outlook.com</a>.</p>श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः || śrī gurubhyo namaḥ</p></p>Tags: Narayaneeyam || Narayaniyam || Naaraayaneeyam || </p></p>
एवं विधैश्चाद्भुतकेलिभेदैरानन्दमूर्च्छामतुलां व्रजस्य । पदे पदे नूतनयन्नसीमां परात्मरूपिन् पवनेश पाया: ॥१०॥
एवं विधै:-च-this and such likeअद्भुत-strangeकेलि-भेदै:-sports of different kindsआनन्द-मूर्च्छाम्-in bliss swooning (happiness)अतुलां व्रजस्यextremely of Vrajपदे पदेevery now and thenनूतयन्-renewingअसीमांunlimitedlyपरमात्मरूपिन्O Supreme BeingपवनेशO Lord of Guruvaayurपाया:protect me
Thou made Vraja swoon in bliss with such strange and different kinds of sports.Thou renewed Thy sports every now and then with unlimited variety. O Supreme Being! O Lord of Guruvaayur! protect me.
स चोरपालायितवल्लवेषु चोरायितो गोपशिशून् पशूंश्च गुहासु कृत्वा पिदधे शिलाभिस्त्वया च बुद्ध्वा परिमर्दितोऽभूत् ॥९॥
सhe (Vyoma)चोर-पालायित-वल्लवेषुamong the thieves and the policemen boysचोरायित:(acting) as a thiefगोप-शिशून्the Gopa boysपशून्-चand the cowsगुहासु कृत्वाin a cave doing (putting)पिदधे शिलाभि:-closed (the caves) with stonesत्वया च बुद्ध्वाand by Thee, understanding (the situation)परिमर्दित:-अभूत्killed was
He, in the game, mingled among the boys who were playing as thief and policemen. Vyoma playing as thief put the Gopa boys and the cows in a cave and closed the mouth of the cave with a stone. As Thou understood the situation, Vyoma was killed by Thee.
कदापि गोपै: सह काननान्ते निलायनक्रीडनलोलुपं त्वाम् । मयात्मज: प्राप दुरन्तमायो व्योमाभिधो व्योमचरोपरोधी ॥८॥
कदापिonceगोपै: सहwith the Gopasकाननान्तेin the forestनिलायन-क्रीडन-लोलुपंhide and seek game engaged inत्वाम्Theeमय-आत्मज:Maya's sonप्रापapproachedदुरन्त-माय:(who had) immense magical powersव्योम-अभिध:Vyoma namedव्योम-चर-उपरोधीthe gods obstructing
One day Thou were engaged in playing the game of hide and seek with the Gopa boys. Just then the son of Maya, an Asura named Vyoma who had immense magical powers and who was an enemy of the gods, approached Thee.
कंसाय ते शौरिसुतत्वमुक्त्वा तं तद्वधोत्कं प्रतिरुध्य वाचा। प्राप्तेन केशिक्षपणावसाने श्रीनारदेन त्वमभिष्टुतोऽभू: ॥७॥
कंसाय तेto Kansa Thyशौरि-सुतत्वम्-उक्त्वाVasudeva"s son having saidतं तत्-him (Kansa), his (Vasudeva's)वध-उत्कंkilling eagernessप्रतिरुध्य वाचाdissuading verballyप्राप्तेनwho had comeकेशि-क्षपण-अवसानेat the end of Keshi's destructionश्री-नारदेन त्वम्-by Shri Naarada, Thouअभिष्टुत:-अभू:were praised
Sage Naarada had told Kansa that Thou were the son of Vasudeva. Kansa eagerly set out to kill Vasudeva but was verbally dissuaded by Shri Naarada to do so. At the end of Keshi's destruction Naarada came to Thee and sung Thy praises.
आलम्भमात्रेण पशो: सुराणां प्रसादके नूत्न इवाश्वमेधे । कृते त्वया हर्षवशात् सुरेन्द्रास्त्वां तुष्टुवु: केशवनामधेयम् ॥६॥
आलम्भ-by killingमात्रेण पशो:merely, of the animalसुराणाम् प्रसादकेto the god's pleasure (joy)नूत्न इव-new as ifअश्वमेधेin the Ashvamedha sacrificeकृते त्वयाdone by Theeहर्षवशात्inspired by joyसुरेन्द्रा:-त्वांthe gods Theeतुष्टुवु:hailedकेशव-नाम-धेयम्Keshava name giving (to Thee)
Merely by the killing of the animal the gods were full of joy. This was as if it were a new Ashvamedha sacrifice done by Thee. Delighted, the gods hailed Thee giving Thee the name Keshava, the killer of Keshi.
त्वं वाहदण्डे कृतधीश्च वाहादण्डं न्यधास्तस्य मुखे तदानीम् । तद् वृद्धिरुद्धश्वसनो गतासु: सप्तीभवन्नप्ययमैक्यमागात् ॥५॥
त्वंThouवाह-दण्डेthe horse punishingकृतधी:-चand decidingवाहा-दण्डं(Thy) arm, club (like)न्यधा:-तस्यplaced into hisमुखे तदानीम्mouth at that timeतद्-वृद्धि-(by) its increasing (in size)रुद्ध-श्वसन:(by) choking of breathगतासु:(he) having diedसप्तीभवन्-अपि-in a horse form thoughअयम्-this (Asura)ऐक्यम्-आगात्oneness (with Thee) attained
Thou decided to punish the horse, and placed Thy strong club like arm into his mouth. At that time the arm increased in size and choked the horse to death. Even though the Asura was in the form of a horse, he attained oneness with Thee.
प्रवञ्चयन्नस्य खुराञ्चलं द्रागमुञ्च चिक्षेपिथ दूरदूरम् सम्मूर्च्छितोऽपि ह्यतिमूर्च्छितेन क्रोधोष्मणा खादितुमाद्रुतस्त्वाम् ॥४॥
प्रवञ्चयन्-अस्यdodging hisखुराञ्चलंraised hoofsद्राक्-अमुं-चquickly,and himचिक्षेपिथ(Thou) flungदूर-दूरम्far far awayसम्मूर्च्छित:-अपिfainting alsoहि-अतिमूर्च्छितेनindeed in much greatक्रोध-उष्मणाrage burningखादितुम्-अद्रुत:-to consume (Thee) rushedत्वाम्Thee
Dodging his raised hoofs Thou quickly caught him and flung him far far away. Though he fainted for sometime, with an increased rage as though set afire, he rushed to consume Thee.
तार्क्ष्यार्पिताङ्घ्रेस्तव तार्क्ष्य एष चिक्षेप वक्षोभुवि नाम पादम् । भृगो: पदाघातकथां निशम्य स्वेनापि शक्यं तदितीव मोहात् ॥३॥
तार्क्ष्य-अर्पित-on Garuda placedअङ्घ्रे:-तवfeet of Theeतार्क्ष्य एष चिक्षेपhorse this, threw (kicked)वक्षोभुविon the chest areaनाम पादम्indeed his footभृगो: पद-आघात-of (sage) Bhrigu, with feet hittingकथां निशम्यstory having heardस्वेन-अपिby himself alsoशक्यं तत्-could be done thatइति-इव मोहात्thus as if deludedly
Thou, whose feet are placed on Garuda, Thy vehicle, was kicked on the chest by this horse demon by his foot. Perhaps he had heard the story of sage Bhrigu having hit Thee with the foot, he deludedly thought that he too could do so.
गन्धर्वतामेष गतोऽपि रूक्षैर्नादै: समुद्वेजितसर्वलोक: । भवद्विलोकावधि गोपवाटीं प्रमर्द्य पाप: पुनरापतत्त्वाम् ॥२॥
गन्धर्वताम्-(though) the form of a Gandharva (celestial singer)एष गत:-अपिthis (wicked one) assuming evenरूक्षै:-नादै:by fierce noises (voices)समुद्वेजित-सर्व-लोक:frightening all the worldsभवत्-विलोक-अवधिThee sighting untilगोपवाटीं प्रमर्द्यGokula destructingपाप:the wicked oneपुन:-आपतत्-त्वाम्then attacked Thee
This wicked Asura, even though he had assumed the form of a Gandharva frightened all the worlds with his fierce voices. Until he set sight on Thee, the evil one destructed Gokula and then rushed to attack Thee.
यत्नेषु सर्वेष्वपि नावकेशी केशी स भोजेशितुरिष्टबन्धु: । त्वां सिन्धुजावाप्य इतीव मत्वा सम्प्राप्तवान् सिन्धुजवाजिरूप: ॥१॥
यत्नेषुin (even all his) attemptsसर्वेषु-अपिall evenन-अवकेशीnot unsuccessfulकेशी सthat Keshiभोज-ईशितु:-of the Bhoja king (Kansa's)इष्ट-बन्धु:a close friendत्वाम्Theeसिन्धुजा-अवाप्यby the ocean born Laxmi attainableइति-इव मत्वाthus as if thinkingसम्प्राप्तवान्approached (Thee)सिन्धुज-(as) born of the Sindhu landवाजि-रूप:in horse form
A close friend of the Bhoja king Kansa, Keshi was never unsuccessful in any of his attempts. He took the form of a horse from the land of Sindhu, thinking that Thou were easily accessible to those born off Sindhu (ocean) as Thou are to Laxmi Devi.
Amanda is a wife. A mother. A blogger. A Christian.
A charming, beautiful, bubbly, young woman who lives life to the fullest.
But Amanda is dying, with a secret she doesn’t want anyone to know.
She starts a blog detailing her cancer journey, and becomes an inspiration, touching and
captivating her local community as well as followers all over the world.
Until one day investigative producer Nancy gets an anonymous tip telling her to look at Amanda’s
blog, setting Nancy on an unimaginable road to uncover Amanda’s secret.
Award winning journalist Charlie Webster explores this unbelievable and bizarre, but
all-too-real tale, of a woman from San Jose, California whose secret ripped a family apart and
left a community in shock.
Scamanda is the true story of a woman whose own words held the key to her secret.
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Amanda’s blog posts are read by actor Kendall Horn.