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The Impact Talk Podcast from Oxfam Novib
The Impact Talk Podcast from Oxfam Novib

The Impact Talk Podcast from Oxfam Novib

The Impact Talk Podcast from Oxfam Novib kicks off in January 2021 with the release of the 4-part “Power of Citizens’ Voices Series.” In this series, we explore impacts and lessons from the last five years of Oxfam and partners’ work raising the voices of citizens on critical topics like conflict and security, the right to food, and securing the financing needed for development. Through conversations with civil society actors and activists and colleagues from Kenya, Afghanistan, Uganda, Nigeria, Cambodia and The Netherlands, we’ll hear about how Oxfam and partners have worked to raise the voices of citizens, the impacts we’ve achieved in doing that and what we’ve learned along the way. Join us for the “Power of Citizens’ Voices Series” of the Impact Talk Podcast from Oxfam Novib.

Available Episodes 4

Impact Talk from Oxfam Novib

Power of Citizens’ Voices Series: Demanding the Right to Food in Cambodia and Nigeria 

This is the fourth and final episodes in the Power of Citizens’ Voices series, “Demanding the Right to Food in Cambodia and Nigeria.” In this series we talk with civil society leaders, activists and colleagues from around the world about how raising the voices of citizens drives impact on critical topics like conflict and security, the right to food, and securing the financing needed for development. 

 Governments around the world have committed to eradicating hunger by 2030, one of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. We have not made consistent progress towards achieving this goal in recent years. And this was even before the coronavirus pandemic, which could push as many as an estimated 121 million people back into hunger. Oxfam and partners have been challenging the injustices in the global food system. In this episode, we speak with Saratu Abiola (Advocacy Project Coordinator, Oxfam in Nigeria) and Asisah Man (Land Governance Coordinator, Oxfam in Cambodia) about protecting land rights and demanding fairer food systems and better agricultural policies in Cambodia and Nigeria.

Hosts: Lisanne Hekman and Patrick Guyer

Editing and sound design: Sound Seekers

Artwork: Anouk Klinkers

Links to organizations and publications referenced in this episode:


Keywords: Right to food, land rights, agricultural policy, Cambodia, Nigeria 

Impact Talk from Oxfam Novib

Power of Citizens’ Voices Series: Tax Justice and the Fight Against Inequality

This is the third of four episodes in the Power of Citizens’ Voices series, “Tax Justice and the Fight Against Inequality”. In this series we talk with civil society leaders, activists and colleagues from around the world about how raising the voices of citizens drives impact on critical topics like conflict and security, the right to food, and securing the financing needed for development. 

To fight inequality and defeat poverty it’s crucial that we make  taxation and government spending fair, transparent and responsive to the needs of citizens. In this episode, we look at the issue of tax justice through conversations with from Roselie Schonewille (Inequality Campaigner, Oxfam Novib) on why this matters, Jasper van Teeffelen (Researcher, SOMO) on unfair tax treaties involving The Netherlands, and Regina Navuga (Program Coordinator, Financing for Development Programme, SEATINI Uganda) about the struggle for a fairer fiscal system in Uganda.

Hosts: Patrick Guyer and Lisanne Hekman

Editing and sound design: Sound Seekers

Artwork: Anouk Klinkers

Links to organizations and publications referenced in this episode:


Keywords: Tax justice, social contract, tax treaties, The Netherlands, Uganda 

Impact Talk from Oxfam Novib

Power of Citizens’ Voices Series: Integrating Women into the Afghan National Police Force

This is the second of four episodes in the Power of Citizens’ Voices series, “Integrating Women into the Afghan National Police Force”. In this series we talk with civil society leaders, activists and colleagues from around the world about how raising the voices of citizens drives impact on critical topics like conflict and security, the right to food, and securing the financing needed for development. 

While women still only make up a small percentage of the Afghan police, their total number has risen from just 164 women in 2005 to 4070 in 2020. Why it is so important for Afghan women to safely join the police force? How does this relate to citizens’ voice? And what support did  these brave women receive? In this episode of the Power of Citizens’ Voices series, we discover how Oxfam and partners have supported citizens to raise their voices within a context of conflict and fragility, focusing on the safe integration of women in the Afghan police. Wazhma Frogh (Founding Director, Women and Peace Studies Organization) and Jorrit Kamminga (Policy Lead Inclusive Peace & Security, Oxfam Novib) join us to discuss. 

Hosts: Lisanne Hekman and Patrick Guyer

Editing and sound design: Sound Seekers

Artwork: Anouk Klinkers

Links to organizations and publications referenced in this episode:


Keywords: Women, police, security sector reform, conflict, Afghanistan, Women Peace and Security, NAP1325 

Impact Talk from Oxfam Novib

Power of Citizens’ Voices Series: Why Mobilize the Voices of Citizens? 

This is the first of four episodes in the Power of Citizens’ Voices series: “Why Mobilize the Voices of Citizens?” In this series we talk with civil society leaders, activists and colleagues from around the world about how raising the voices of citizens drives impact on critical topics like conflict and security, the right to food, and securing the financing needed for development. 

Why is raising the voice of citizens so important in the battle against inequality? What are the impacts of our work so far, and what are we learning? And how have we connected local struggles to global ones? In this episode, guests Michiel Servaes (Executive Director, Oxfam Novib), Antonia Musunga (Kenya National Coordinator, Fight Inequality Alliance), and Valentina Montanaro (Southern Programme and Campaign Lead on Inequality, Oxfam Novib) share compelling examples of how Oxfam and partner organizations have supported citizens to  voice their demands for a just world without poverty and inequality.  

Hosts: Patrick Guyer and Lisanne Hekman 

Editing and sound design: Sound Seekers

Artwork: Anouk Klinkers 

Links to organizations and publications referenced in this episode:


Keywords: Citizen voice, active citizenship, inequality, poverty, Kenya, The Netherlands