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The Healing Circle with Spiritual Wellness Christine
The Healing Circle with Spiritual Wellness Christine

The Healing Circle with Spiritual Wellness Christine

The Healing Circle is a modern day approach to spirituality, hosted by the founder Spiritual Wellness Christine. It is with her mission of helping people find an achievable approach to wellness and spiritual healing that she now brings you a weekly podcast. With insights into the spiritual world this weekly podcast will remind you of just how important it is to find balance in our busy lives

Available Episodes 10

Life often presents us with choices that feel heavy, complex, and sometimes downright overwhelming. Whether it's changing careers, moving to a new place, or embarking on a new relationship, the pressure can feel immense. But what if, instead of trying to control every outcome, we could lean into the process of surrender and trust—two of the most powerful spiritual tools we have?

Listen as Christine talks about when you can truly surrender and trust, you’ll find that the decisions you make are guided by a deeper wisdom, one that always leads you to where you’re meant to be.

What we fear the most, might just be what we subsconsciously do to others without us even realising it. Christine goes into a deep reflecting episode on how when we turn the mirror on ourselves. Do we do what we fear the most to others?

As mothers there is alot of demand on us and sometimes that pushes us into more the masculine energy which tips us into being unbalanced. We must be aware of the balance of our masculine and feminine energy in our every day lives. Being grounded and having self aware is the key.

We can't deny what is happening across the world and even in our own country that the system and structures we trusted are breaking down. Stories are being revealed, the media and politicians are being exposed. It is all part of divine plan to move us into a higher vibration. We are clearing out what doesn't not serve humanity on a collective level. This is a massive shift into a higher vibration. Listen to Christine's explaination of why this is all happening at this time.

Are you feeling sad, depressed, disconnected and just plain uninspired by life, and you do not know why? Are you questioning the point of anything and everything? If this is the case, you could be going through a dark night of the soul. But things are not all bad. When you know what a dark night of the soul is and how to get through it as part of a spiritual awakening,  your life can be completely transformed.

Never before as humans have we been subjected to so much media. It's on our TVs, radios, laptops, phones are everywhere.... control the media, and it controls the masses! So, how do we not fall into this controlling way of life that we find ourselves in? Have a listen & let me know your thoughts

Our body knows the score, even when we keep pushing through times of significant stress.... Our mind, body & soul are always trying to get us to stop and listen. Where there is dis-ease in the mind, dis-ease manifests within the body.... The Universe had to step in and do a drastic thing for me to take notice, have a listen!

PART 2. This podcast contains sensitive topics and discretion is advised”

PART 1. This podcast contains sensitive topics and discretion is advised”

Listen to why we do the Full Moon Healing Circle every month on Killiney Beach