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Boundaryless Kayak Fishing - With Mark Goudreault
Boundaryless Kayak Fishing - With Mark Goudreault

Boundaryless Kayak Fishing - With Mark Goudreault

Listen to informative kayak fishing related news, tips, and tricks. BKF will cover a wide range of topics related to kayak fishing and bass fishing in general. Boundaryless Kayak Fishing helps anglers and fishermen shed existing boundaries set on the fishing industry, and pursue new adventures.

Available Episodes 7

Joey went down south and laid the smackdown on some big ole bass, being the first one in Hobie BOS history to register over 200” in a 2-day 5 bass tournament. Listen in as he breaks down his pre-fishing mindset and tournament results.

Review of a recent musky fishing trip taken in the upper Midwest. Stay tuned while I discuss targeting these big fish from a kayak and landing my PB 46” Musky.

Kristine Fischer, arguably one of the biggest names in fishing recently, discusses fishing from a kayak. Listen in as she tells her story and provides some great insight and tips to all current and future kayak anglers!

How do you ensure your safety on the water? Specifically when Kayak fishing? Listen in as I explain some key safety tips to consider before hitting the water on your next trip!

Paddle, pedal, motor - There is no doubt that fishing kayaks have changed and adapted in recent years. Pushing the boundaries of what is possible from a single person watercraft. Listen in as I explain my thoughts on each of these categories!

Choosing a new fishing kayak is a difficult choice! Listen in as I explain the different options available and what to look for when choosing a kayak.

Introducing the new Kayak Fishing podcast! Discussing upcoming episodes and the infamous Wacky Rig. Review the Vibe Shearwater 125, and where fish even came from. Tune in, like, and subscribe!