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Naruto Roulette
Naruto Roulette

Naruto Roulette

Follow along with the "best" way to watch through the legendary anime Naruto, by watching episodes at random! Our hosts, Riley Brown (Naruto expert), Rachel McCarthy (anime expert), and Kevin Van Develde (professional non-expert), will watch through all of Naruto two random episodes at a time. It's a great, weird, fun time. Hope you'll join us! Amazing podcast art by Riley Brown.

Available Episodes 2

You made it to Episode 2??? That's great. Thanks! This time we watch episodes 123: The Leaf's Handsome Devil! and 206: Genjutsu or Reality? and throughout we learn just how cool Rock Lee is. 

Welcome to our first episode of Naruto Roulette! It's a show about watching Naruto how it was probably definitely meant to be watched, by a life-long lover of naruto, an anime expert, and a total idiot. Pardon the audio quality, still learning and getting going here, but I think it's a fun time. In this episode we watch 130:   Father and Son, the Broken Crest and 156: Raiga's Counterattack. We are watching the sub.