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Meditation Changes Everything
Meditation Changes Everything

Meditation Changes Everything

We’ve all heard that meditation is good for us — studies show that it reduces stress, improves concentration and makes us more resilient to life’s challenges. But what if these benefits are just the tip of the iceberg? What if meditation could actually change <em>everything</em>? </p><br></p>Pioneering meditation teacher Craig Hamilton has been practicing meditation for 40 years and teaching it over the past two decades to students in more than 90 countries. In this podcast, Craig reveals how this powerful, ancient practice can transform every aspect of human life. He shares key insights from his personal practice as well as on-the-ground research at the leading edge of spiritual practice and inquiry. As a listener, you’ll discover a mix of in-depth talks from Craig on key aspects of meditation, his responses to common questions from students and guided meditations, so you can experience a variety of meditation practices for yourself. <br><br>If you appreciate what you hear in the podcast, Craig invites you to download his free ebook, Unlocking the Power of Meditation, to learn about the five common mistakes most of us make in meditation and how you can avoid them. Download your free ebook at</p><br></p>

Available Episodes 10

“An awakened life is a life in which we're no longer centered in the cognitive mind, we're no longer centered in the thought stream. Ultimately, the spiritual path means trusting enough to let go of the mind and allow a deeper consciousness, a deeper wisdom, a deeper kind of guidance system to start to operate within us that isn't something you can control, and isn't something you can understand with your mind.” —Craig Hamilton

This episode is the second in our series exploring the most common obstacles to deep meditation–and how we can move beyond them. In Obstacles to Awakening Part Two: The Mind, Craig focuses on what may be the biggest challenge for meditators—our busy, restless minds.

The mind is our constant companion. It helps us interpret and make sense of the world. But when we sit down to meditate, the mind often feels like it has a will of its own. Memories, worries, creative ideas, and unfinished tasks seem to parade through our awareness, grabbing our attention, and becoming a source of frustration for many of us. 

It's easy to see the mind as the greatest obstacle to our practice. But what if there’s another way to approach it? 

In this episode, we’ll explore why the mind might not be as insurmountable as it seems. Craig shares three distinct perspectives that can help you come to peace with the mind, moving beyond its noise and distractions to discover a deeper, more grounded presence in your meditation practice.

If you’re interested in exploring more of Craig’s approach to meditation, you’re invited to tune in to a 90-minute online workshop Craig will be hosting called Meditation 2.0 – The Miracle of Direct Awakening. Register for free at:

Discover More about Craig’s Awakened Life Membership Program

“One reason meditation is such a powerful tool on the spiritual path is that it’s a safe place to completely give up control. You can sit down, and just let go…and let go…and let go. You can let go of every attempt to control reality, every attempt to control your inner experience, every impulse to control how you feel, every attempt to control the mind. This radical practice of relinquishing control in meditation is a very direct way to start to get a taste of what it means to be truly natural.” —Craig Hamilton

Spiritual teachings often describe the goal of the path as entering into a “natural state”—a way of being that’s utterly easeful, uncontrived, and completely genuine. This natural state allows us to simply be ourselves, without effort, flowing with life as it unfolds. 

But how do we achieve this profound simplicity? Though it sounds like it should be easy, being natural is often challenging in practice. Most of us have spent a lifetime cultivating habits of control, striving to shape reality to fit our will. How do we let go of these tendencies and truly embrace a natural way of being?

In this episode, Craig shares an approach to meditation designed to easefully open the door to this profound naturalness. By learning how to let go of any attempt to control your experience, you’ll discover what it means to surrender to life without resistance.

The podcast includes a guided meditation, so please set aside a quiet space to be fully present and open to this transformative journey.

If you’re interested in exploring more of Craig’s approach to meditation, you’re invited to tune in to a 90-minute online workshop Craig will be hosting called Meditation 2.0 – The Miracle of Direct Awakening. Register for free at:

Discover More about Craig’s Awakened Life Membership Program

“Spiritual awakening brings us into direct contact with reality. When we’re awake, our lens is no longer distorted, and our heart is no longer shut down and defended. We are now fully here, which means that our awareness is fully present, our heart or feeling sense is fully available, and all of our humanity is able to show up in each moment.” —Craig Hamilton

In this episode, Craig dives into a profound question: What would it mean to be fully in contact with life? Is it possible to meet each moment with a truly open heart and mind?  Most of us understand the value of being open-hearted and open-minded, but years of conditioning often lead us to stay guarded, clinging to certainty. 

Can meditation help us unlock the secret to genuine openness? Imagine living with an undefended heart, where the need for self-protection has fallen away, leaving us free to meet each moment of life with our whole self.

Craig explores this possibility and offers insights into how this shift is possible. He also leads a guided meditation to help expand awareness and dissolve old limitations, bringing us into a full-hearted embrace of the present moment.
We encourage you to listen when you can give yourself the space to be fully present and distraction-free, so you can explore this transformative practice. 

If you’re interested in exploring more of Craig’s approach to meditation, you’re invited to tune in to a 90-minute online workshop Craig will be hosting called Meditation 2.0 – The Miracle of Direct Awakening. Register for free at:

Discover More about Craig’s Awakened Life Membership Program

In today’s world, it can feel like there are endless options for meditation—each promising a slightly different path. With so many different meditation techniques available to us, it’s easy to feel a bit uncertain about what to actually do when we sit down to meditate.

In this episode, “Meditation Can Be Simple: Three Doorways to Awakening,” Craig clears away the noise and shares a 3-step approach that’s both powerful and easy to follow. He distills the practice of meditation into three simple instructions, guiding you toward the profound depths of your true nature.

These practices are adaptable to any stage of your journey—whether you’re brand new to meditation or have been on the path for a while. And they can be practiced on their own or all together, depending on what resonates with you. 

This episode is a guided meditation workshop, so set aside some time to listen when you can relax and be fully present.

If you’re interested in exploring more of Craig’s approach to meditation, you’re invited to tune in to a 90-minute online workshop Craig will be hosting called Meditation 2.0 – The Miracle of Direct Awakening. Register for free at:

“Awakening is the discovery of consciousness without limits, of a self without limits. It's the discovery that what we are is much vaster than our mind can contain. So if we're attached to a small little story of self that we're invested in maintaining, there's no room and there's no way for us to really open to and let go into the enormity of the super consciousness that is our true nature.”
—Craig Hamilton

This episode is the first in our "Obstacles to Awakening" series, where we explore the most common challenges to deep meditation and how to overcome them. Craig begins by diving into what many view as the greatest barrier on the spiritual path—the human ego.

We’ve all heard that having a healthy, strong ego is essential for living a productive, fulfilling life. So, why, then, does the ego get such a bad rap when it comes to our spiritual path?

In this episode, Craig offers practical insights into how our attachment to self-image can hinder our growth, awakening, and even our perception of reality. Tune in to learn how to move beyond this internal obstacle and discover new ways to deepen your meditation practice and spiritual journey.

If today’s episode has you curious about what you can do to break free from the grip of the ego, you’re invited to tune in to a 90-minute online workshop Craig will be hosting called: The Key to Evolving Beyond Ego — How to Make the Change that Changes Everything. In this workshop, he'll share essential tools and practices that have helped thousands make the leap out of ego and into the kind of spiritual life they’ve always sensed is possible. Register for free at:

“When we're in touch with the higher spiritual potential of our lives, it’s natural that we want to express that potential as fully as we possibly can. We’re no longer worried about what that will demand from us or what others will think about us. Our heart is now yoked to this greater possibility that we’re called to realize. We’re awake to the great mystery of universal consciousness and that is going through a process of higher evolution that we have to participate in to be true to it.”
—Craig Hamilton

Most of us are on the spiritual path not just to feel differently but to show up differently in the world. So, what does spiritual awakening really look like in a human life?

In this episode, Craig explores the concrete ways in which meditation and spiritual awakening can transform our everyday lives beyond the inner experiences of peace, clarity, or love. While those moments are inspiring, the real transformation happens when awakened consciousness influences how we show up in the world. 

Craig discusses how meditation can be a powerful tool for unlocking enlightened qualities like strength, wisdom, and courage, shaping the way we handle life’s challenges. 

Tune in to “A Transformed Life: Meditation as a Catalyst for Exponential Growth” to learn how spiritual awakening can revolutionize your everyday life.

If you’re interested in exploring more of Craig’s approach to meditation, you’re invited to tune in to a 90-minute online workshop Craig will be hosting called Meditation 2.0 – The Miracle of Direct Awakening. Register for free at:

Spiritual awakening is the discovery of a sacred dimension of our own being that is unconditional, meaning it’s not dependent on something else. We’re discovering that life, existence, our very own being, who we are in our essence is sacred, divine, extraordinary, and beautiful beyond comprehension. When we accept that that’s what this life always already is, it transforms our entire experience of being alive.
—Craig Hamilton

In this episode, Craig dives deep into the true meaning of happiness. Our happiness usually seems to fluctuate depending on our circumstances or how we feel. But what if genuine happiness didn’t depend on anything outside of us? 

Imagine being so deeply aligned with the fundamental "Yes" at the heart of life that nothing could overshadow your profound sense of well-being. This radical possibility, which Craig refers to as “unconditional happiness,” is the essence of true spiritual freedom. He explores this concept, showing how meditation can help us move beyond the fleeting highs and lows of conditional happiness into a stable awareness of the inherent goodness of life itself.

Toward the end of the episode, Craig guides you through a short meditation, helping you to step directly into this experience and align with the deeper truth of spiritual freedom through your practice.

If you’re interested in exploring more of Craig’s approach to meditation, you’re invited to tune in to a 90-minute online workshop Craig will be hosting called Meditation 2.0 – The Miracle of Direct Awakening. Register for free at:

Non-dual spiritual practice and non-dual spiritual awakening isn’t only about coming to know awareness or consciousness in its pure form. That’s just the first step. Ultimately, real non-dual practice and non-dual awakening is a practice of recognizing that everything that arises in your meditation is equally an expression of that sacred essence. Everything that arises in your meditation is already enlightened. It’s a manifestation of the enlightened mind.
—Craig Hamilton

In “Beyond Duality: Seeing the Sacred in Everything,” Craig takes us on a journey into the heart of spiritual awakening—the realization that the sacred is always present, not just in extraordinary moments, but in every moment.

Many of us have glimpsed a sublime, sacred dimension of being, only to feel it slip away in the rush of everyday life. These extraordinary moments often seem distant from the ordinariness of our daily routines. However, as we deepen our meditation practice, we begin to realize that even the most mundane aspects of our experience are infused with that same sublime essence.

In this episode, Craig guides us in understanding that this realization—known as “nonduality”—is not something we stumble upon by chance. Through a specific set of practices, we come to see that every experience can be a gateway to the infinite, revealing the sacred essence that is always present in every moment.

If you’re interested in exploring more of Craig’s approach to meditation, you’re invited to tune in to a 90-minute online workshop Craig will be hosting called Meditation 2.0 – The Miracle of Direct Awakening. Register for free at:

Discover More about Craig’s Awakened Life Membership Program

“Emptiness doesn’t mean there’s not a self. It doesn’t mean you’re not a person. It’s the discovery that what we really are is an interdependent web of complex processes that arise in our body, in our emotional being, in our minds and in the cultural patterns in which we are enmeshed. We tend to experience ourselves as a solid, stable, independent self. But the practice of emptiness shows us that we are part of a much greater process of interdependencies that are constantly changing, moving, evolving into something new.”
—Craig Hamilton

In “The Practice of Emptiness: Dissolving the Illusion of Solidity,” Craig explores the spiritual practice of Emptiness, examining its ancient wisdom and contemporary relevance to enrich both meditation and everyday life.
The concept of emptying out or becoming empty of self finds its origins in Christianity and Buddhism. Yet for many of us today, the idea of Emptiness might initially seem unappealing, conjuring images of a cold, meaningless void. However, in this episode, Craig dispels these misconceptions and emphasizes that the true essence of Emptiness is far from nihilistic or devoid of significance.

When properly engaged, the authentic practice of Emptiness serves as a powerful tool for breaking down our thought structures and dissolving their illusion of solidity. This act of emptying out creates a sacred space within, making way for an overflowing sense of fullness, depth, and sacredness to emerge. Through this practice, we can connect more deeply with our spiritual selves and the world around us.

This episode includes a guided meditation exploring this technique, so we encourage you to find a time to listen when you won’t be interrupted.

If you’re interested in exploring more of Craig’s approach to meditation, you’re invited to tune in to a 90-minute online workshop Craig will be hosting called Meditation 2.0 – The Miracle of Direct Awakening. Register for free at:

Discover More about Craig’s Awakened Life Membership Program

Awakened consciousness is none other than our own true nature. It’s never anywhere but right here. You can’t get to it somewhere in the future.  The part of you that imagines it’s somewhere in the future will never be ready for it. So, let all of that go and give yourself to your meditation always with the fundamental position that this is it. This is the moment of awakening.
—Craig Hamilton

In this episode, Craig explores one of the great paradoxes of the spiritual path.
While spiritual practices like meditation can help prepare us for awakening, true awakening is about recognizing that the essence of who and what we are is already enlightened.

Craig explains how this transformative realization can shift your relationship to spiritual practice, allowing you to stop pushing your awakening into the future and embrace your true nature in the present moment, right now.

To access the full transcript of this episode and more resources, visit the episode page on

If you’re interested in exploring more of Craig’s approach to meditation, you’re invited to tune in to a 90-minute online workshop Craig will be hosting called Meditation 2.0 – The Miracle of Direct Awakening. Register for free at: