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The DALE ALLEN Podcast
The DALE ALLEN Podcast

The DALE ALLEN Podcast

Soul Nourishment: <br>You'll find audio journeys to nourish your feminine wisdom (a part of all of us humans). Storytelling, myth, meditative pieces, archetypal embodiments, insightful interviews and more - open a door to your own wisdom.  These nuggets are great to listen to on your own, to share with others, or to listen in group settings or sacred circle.  <br>~<br>Visit Dale and her Book • Film • Course • Events <br><a href=""></a><br>BOOK on Amazon - International Best Seller!<br><br>~ <br>This is 25 years of Dale's devotion in works that shine a light on the profound wisdom of your right brain in your own cranium - and available with a shift in your attention. Dale illuminates the way the Sacred Feminine moves through all of us diverse humans.  We are all a blend of masculine and feminine, and "In Our Right Minds" helps us lift up the feminine - within and without - which is healing to men, women - all of us!  Dale will help you broaden your perspective, and find a new and beautiful energy that flows uniquely through you into your home, your relationships, your work, your faith, your civil participation - our world!<br>~<br>About Dale: <br>Dale has presented her one woman show - and now award-winning film and bestselling book - "In Our Right Minds" to scores of audiences at universities, conferences, theaters and expos nationwide, to Canada, from Kauai to Dubai, the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, and the Parliament of the World's Religions. The film has been awarded by 19 Independent Film Festivals and is available at <a href=""></a>. Described as having the energy of “a Cape Canaveral lift-off,”  Dale thoroughly engages and inspires her audience, which ranges from highly educated corporate leaders to teenage girls seeking their place in the world.  <br>~<br>Dale is a veteran of corporate, commercial communications. Her extensive resume includes hundreds of voice-over, on-camera and live presentation projects. Some of the most quality conscious global companies, such as BMW, Canon and MasterCard among others, have chosen her to represent their brands. Her energy and enthusiasm, sincerity and strength infuse her presentations and impact audiences. </p>

Available Episodes 10

Dale talks with lovely Emmi Mutale, Founder of Feminine Revered about her journey to the Sacred Feminine and deep crisis can bring us back into alignment.  Emmi shares womb wisdom and the healing energy of the Mother, as well as an invitation to join her upcoming 7-week offering: The Way of the Womb!

More here:

Emmi is an intuitive healer, wisdom keeper and a shamanic womb Priestess and teacher, dedicated to re-awakening ancient feminine wisdom. She is an initiate to a South African shamanic lineage and trained in womb shamanism (Fountain of Life and Sanctuary of Sophia), Zen Shiatsu and Usui and Lightarian Reiki. Emmi is also an advanced level EFT (EFTI), Matrix Reimprinting (MRA) and Heal Your Birth Protocols practitioner. In her sacred healing work, Emmi weaves these modalities together to create a magical experience for deep healing and transformation for women of all ages around the world, holding a safe, protected and non-judgmental space for the emergence of authentic connection, profound knowing and inner power. She works with women one on one and in groups, both face to face, online and in retreat settings with the intention of raising the frequency of our planet and fostering healing one womb at a time.


Dale Allen • In Our Right Minds: On the Sacred Feminine, the Right Brain and Restoring Humanity’s Natural Balance


Bestselling Book:

•Color Version:

• Black & White Version:

Award-Winning Film:


The Dale Allen Podcast


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Thanks for listening to the Dale Allen Podcast. 
Dive into the deep archetypal feminine with and the brilliance of your own right brain with "In Our Right Minds":
Award-Winning FILM
Bestselling BOOK
In this episode I talk with Alexa Noban, a 25-year-old personal trainer and certified holistic health coach who works primarily with women.  Alexa is a social media influencer whose own journey to wholeness after her experience with mental health challenges and disordered eating challenges has made her a positive voice for:
Wellness • Fitness • Realness • and Healthy Eating
Alexa Noban:
"WOMAN SHINE" song by Dale Allen featuring Lizzy Ashleigh
You here two little clips from the film, "In Our Right Minds" in this episode regarding archaeological finds, The Goddess of Willendorf 35,000 BCE and The Snake Goddess of Minoan Crete 1,600 BCE.
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the Dale Allen podcast in order to support the work and… stay connected!   Thank you!

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Autumn Skye is a visionary artist whose work graces my work, "In Our Right Minds: on the Sacred Feminine, the Right Brain and Restoring Humanity's Natural Balance," appearing in both the award-winning film as well as the new book.
If you haven't already done so, please support the work -  and get a terrific book - by visiting Amazon or my website and getting your own copy of "In Our Right Minds."  This work has inspiring audiences worldwide.

BestSelling Book:
Color Version book

Black & White Version book
Or watch the Award Winning Film 

Film Screening Events

Autumn Skye lives, breathes, and dreams art, and has done so since she was old enough to hold a pencil and reach for a piece of paper. Her childhood and early adult years were spent travelling the landscapes of both her wild Canadian backyard and distant international shores. Through her wanderlust, she developed a deep reverence for the beauty of nature and the diversity of humanity, and continuously endeavours to translate this inspiration through her work.
As a self-taught artist, she is forever a student of the intuitively creative process. Autumn Skye’s style weaves together refined realism, iconic imagery, archetypical symbolism, and spiritual principles. She’s inspired by the magnificence of this incredible planet, the potency of these extraordinary times, and the mysteries of the cosmos. Through her work, she seeks to honour the resiliency of the human spirit and the intricate connections between all facets of life.
Autumn Skye exhibits and teaches worldwide, and otherwise thrives and paints in the beautiful temperate-rainforest of coastal British Columbia, Canada. Considering herself immensely blessed to do what feeds her soul, she strives to support others through creative empowerment, the gift of beauty, and the perpetuation of inspiration.

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In this episode, professional audio book reader, Dale Allen reads the Preface and Introduction to her bestselling book, "In Our Right Minds: On the Sacred Feminine, the Right Brain, and Restoring Humanity's Natural Balance." 


Bestselling Book:
Color Version:

Black & White Version:

Award-Winning Film:


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Dale Allen • In Our Right Minds: On the Sacred Feminine, the Right Brain and Restoring Humanity’s Natural Balance


Bestselling Book:
Color Version:

Black & White Version:

Award-Winning Film:
Dale Allen and Shellie Enteen talk about "Revealing the Druid Legacy," Shellie's inspired memoir of a Druid Priestess. The trilogy of books tells the story of Anwen, a Druid Priestess in late 5th Century Wales.  All three books dive deep into the Celtic Dark Age, portraying the period including Anwen’s training on the Priestess Isle and how she, together with Merlin, Arthur and her Lady Sister Priestesses put the final pieces in place for the Druid’s secret plan to preserve their wisdom for future generations.  Anwen’s story empowers us as individuals and aids in the much-needed return to honoring the Divine Feminine.
From Dale: Shellie's telling of her path toward this work is a great example of how we can look for clues along the way in life that take us out of the mundane and into the realm of the Sacred. It is a pleasure to support this fellow author. Enjoy!
Shellie Enteen is an Author, Astrologer, Interfaith Reverend, Aromatherapist, Educator, Reiki Master, and Public Speaker. She posts daily astrology forecasts on Facebook and weekly forecasts on her Blog at and is on Substack at shelliewrites.substack
This trilogy and other books by Shellie can be found on her Author Page on Amazon. Learn more and Contact Shellie through her website 

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I am so pleased to celebrate Deborah Koff-Chapin and her 50 years of Touch Drawing!  Deborah’s profound art has been with me and “In Our Right Minds” all along, first featured in my one-woman touring show, then in the film, and now my new book on Amazon. Deborah’s soulful touch drawings convey the beauty and strength of feminine energy – it is otherworldly, and yet grounded by body and hand.
Since 1974, Deborah has poured her soul into Touch Drawing. Over the years her work developed from simple primal marks to evocative transpersonal images. In 1995 and 2000, she published a selection of drawings as “Soul Cards 1 & 2.” They continue to be used worldwide by a broad range of people including therapists, workshop leaders and creative writers. “Portals of Presence: Faces Drawn from the Subtle Realms” was released in 2021. In private sessions, Deborah creates “Inner Portraits”  that bring into form many dimensions of an individual’s soul. She has also developed the art of Interpretive Touch Drawing at numerous events including the Parliament of the World’s Religions.
Deborah and I recently met to discuss her 50 Year Celebration and our journey together.  Find out more here:

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" In Our Right Minds" BOOK  by Dale Allen • International Bestseller

In Our Right Minds Award-Winning FILM

The girls and women must go to the lake to get food for themselves and their families. There, they are vulnerable, as the fisherman deal in fish for sex.  Evans Nyesi is effectively changing this dynamic - freeing the women and the men from hazardous and hurtful paradigms.
Evans Onyango Nyesi is  is the founder and Team Leader of The Tikvah Center, a registered faith-based community organization in Siaya-Kenya, dedicated to holistic development and community empowerment.
Through his diverse roles and expertise, Evans Onyango Nyesi actively contributes to advancing sustainable development, human rights, and the vital role of faith-based initiatives in addressing societal challenges.


Dear Dale,
I hope the year is going on well with you so far... I was greatly thrilled by your perspectives on the healing energy of the sacred feminine during the Omnia's Patriarchy meeting late last year.

One way of making sure the year continues to go well is by working more on detoxifying masculinity and transforming men to have a healthy masculinity that enhances the  flourishing women and girls. This is one of our key activities line up for 2024 and into the future.


I am very worried about scriptural interpretations and cultural norms that legitimizes oppression and cages people into delusional boxes. I know you are too. The ease with which our religious and traditional leaders endorse marginalizing norms results in the horrific stigma, and women and girls bear the greatest brunt.


While some argue  that all religions have been flawed from the very beginning, I hold the view that some people have managed to twist the doctrines, using religion for their own advantage throughout history.


This is evident in the interplay among patriarchy, gender and religion where it  has confined gender roles and  upheld specific gender expectations. But i also know that religion has historically contributed to psychosocial support as a meaningful source of values and practices critical to healing and well-being. Such insights shed light on the ways religious doctrines and rituals can  offer avenues for gender expression and authentic healthy living,
As The Tikvah Centre,  we wanted to find a way to shift this mindset so that our community and religious leaders would prioritize just and non-stigmatizing solutions to the pain caused by dis-empowering teachings by cultural and religious fundamentalists.


I am passionate about this work because I would like to create for my two children and millions of others a better world to live and thrive. Research has proved that embracing equity and justice, will unlock the full potential of half the population, leading to greater innovation, economic growth, and social progress.


Recognizing the precious space occupied by religion and religious leaders in Kenya as well as the potential for progress and/or regress in scriptural (mis)interpretations, I am convinced that integrating religion in  championing gender equality and women's empowerment, reproductive health justice and climate action (which has a huge impact on women and girls) would go a long way in building a more sustainable, inclusive, just, and prosperous world for all.


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Dale Allen talks with Mare Cromwell
Mare Cromwell's The Great Mother Love Way (501(c)3) creates programs and events to help humanity wake up to the truth that we are part of a sacred sentient Earth. Mother Gaia yearns for us to remember her and that her Love for us is tremendous. She is calling for us to come Home to her and all the Sacred Seen & Unseen Ones, to heal into our true place on the planet.  ~  This is the Time of Great Healing. We are being spiritually called to collectively remember Who We Are as Divine Beings – gifted a human body on this amazingly beautiful planet – and manifest a world of harmony, peace, balance, joy and reverence for all beings. This phase in human history has been foretold by Indigenous Elders for centuries.
Mare Cromwell
Dale Allen
In Our Right Minds BOOK
In Our Right Minds FILM

"Unicorns are breeding again! Dale, I absolutely love this podcast with Mare! You are doing such pure, beautiful work. Thank you so much! The podcast with her was just absolutely brilliant and beautiful, and so many things that I know in my soul that are happening, and feel and am connected to, and always have been. It's so reassuring and validating to listen to something like this and have words put to what I know and what I came here knowing and what I also know is part of my mission on this earth to support and share. I just I feel it. The way that you presented her with groundedness, respect, clarification, confirmation and intelligence really showcases everything she has to share in a way that I think people can hear. Thank you Dale "
​Deidre ​

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Laura Topper, creator of the Divine CEO Magazine for which I am a contributing author is a delight.  She brought me onto her show, "Women of Power" on the day my book launched.  We had a great time talking about my journey and using it as an example for all of us to get out of our own way in order to share our gifts for the greater good.


Here are some of Laura's affirmations from her life experience: (

  • I am over the top resilient 
  • I am immensely resourceful
  • Self actualisation can very much deepen in the midst of fall out and basic needs NOT being met
  • The infinite source really is the power house of everything and wants to be USED for good
  • Faith is the bridge to Queendom success
  • Self mastery is the key to unlocking, opening and receiving Divine Wealth in all ways
  • Life is never against us, it looks that way however it doesn't work that way!
  • Law of attraction is a tool that works AND there's an even better way ... The DIVINE WAY.
  • Circumstance will never be the definition of who and whose I AM.
  • This POWER is not reserved for me - it is readily available to each and every one of us. NOW

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