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Pastor Joel Laswell
Pastor Joel Laswell

Pastor Joel Laswell

Joel Laswell was born in Indiana to blue collar parents, who ingrained in him an exhaustive work ethic and the Golden Rule. He attended Purdue University in the School of Engineering Technology and spent over forty years in Commercial and Residential maintenance trades. He was called into the Gospel Ministry in 1998 and currently ministers in Indiana. An accomplished author of several books, he is also the Speaker/Director of Eternal Truth Ministries, the host of The Bible Only Television program and Eternal Truth Radio, and Bible Glances LIVE Podcast. He enjoys walking in nature with his wife Debbie, gardening, camping, woodworking, building and spending time with his friends but especially his children and grandchildren!

Available Episodes 10

In the Old Testament scriptures there are 300 specific predictions concerning the Anointed, the Messiah who would be born to save the world. The prophets of the Bible deal with his birth, life and death in hundreds of instances and in different ways.

There are untold mysteries that date back to the beginning of this world but I want to speak to you about the great mystery.

I have something to ask for today that I know is the will of God. I have something to ask for today that I need much more than I currently have. I have something to ask for today because I see a great need among us as the professed people of God. I have something to ask my Father for today. I ask the Lord to give me a pure heart and a disposition imbued with thankfulness and peace.

If you stop and ponder it for just a moment, each day is the memorial of some event in history. Each day. Some are marked by man as grand events, and some barely a mention, if that, but each day is a memorial of some event in the history of mankind. But I want you to consider that there are certain events, certain dates in the history of mankind that rise even above the recognition of mankind and are recognized as great by all creation throughout the universes. I want to speak about one such day, one such event that is also the foundation of our Adventist faith, a pillar of our faith you could rightly say.

I shared some of the terrible things that are going to happen as we get closer and closer to the second coming of Christ, and already, as we listen to the news, we can see the direction things are going in this land of the free and the home of the brave and the coming religious persecution that will be akin to what happened during the dark ages, only much worse. I must tell you a little more about some of these things, but then I want to share the best part wherein God’s faithful commandment keeping people will be delivered out of the hands of their enemies forever. Is that not good news? Yes!

In Matthew 24 Jesus talks about the signs that will show that the end of the world and thus His second coming are near. What are these signs and are we living in that time?

Jesus is to prepare a generation of people--by cleansing them of sin--that they will then make the demonstration to all creation that mankind can be trusted to live among Creation for all eternity. To declare by their character that Christ's sacrifice was not in vain and thus vindicate the character and love of God. Those glorious events which happened almost 2000 years ago, are to be paralleled by a wonderful triumph that awaits the remnant church down here in the closing scenes. These are a generation of people who follow Jesus whithersoever He goes and they trod the winepress like their Savior. And so they will triumph like He did and they will be glorified like He is glorified.

As I have pointed out, there is much in the agony of the Savior in Gethsemane and on the cross that human beings can never fathom. But there is also much that we can understand through having an experience like Jesus and only through an experience. This is our cup to drink..... will we drink it?

We want to note the parallel in the coming crisis of the remnant church with those trials that Jesus went through so we can be prepared, or as prepared as we can be, to react as He did--with nobility and glory to the Father--and endure them. For like Jesus, we too will be seized. Like Jesus, we shall be thrown into trials. Like Jesus, we shall suffer the results of the combination of church and state uniting to inflict persecution. Like Jesus we want to endure the trials and like Jesus we want to be victorious.

Now we’re going to study the sequel of the Savior's prayer experience and the sequel to the disciple's experience of sleep. Keep in mind the parallels with His crisis experience and that of the remnant people and their crisis experience. Humanity must be so blended with and subservient to the divine will that the remnant will be prepared to give an exhibition during their trial such as Jesus gave in His trial. And as we shall see, friends, we’re going to be tried in every way that men and devils can invent.