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Ketofol Spritz
Ketofol Spritz

Ketofol Spritz

Anaesthesia study notes for the ANZCA Part One, made for my commute. Thanks MAK95, Propofol Dreams, Ketamine Nightmares, Lahiru and Stan. Link to my OneNote - scanned 1 page summaries and flashcards

Available Episodes 10

Explain the cardiovascular effects of central neuraxial blockade

Explain the effects of intermittent positive pressure ventilation on cardiac output

What is the normal value for PVR? Outline physiological factors influencing PVR.

Discuss the potential adverse effects of suxamethonium. Describe how suxamethonium and non-depolarising neuromuscular blocking agents produce their adverse cardiovascular effects. Outline the possible reasons for prolonged paralysis induced by an intravenous dose of 1 mg/kg of suxamethonium.

Pharmacology - Dose, Onset (Mechanism of Action - Accommodation, Phase II Block), Offset, Side Effect (Summary)

Describe how suxamethonium produces neuromuscular blockade. What is the mechanism of recovery of neuromuscular function and what mechanisms may be involved in Phase II block?

Describe the factors influencing CO2 tension in blood.

Outline the central nervous system effects of an awake person breathing air containing CO2.

Explain the difference between perfusion limitation and diffusion imitation in the transfer of gas between alveolus and pulmonary capillary. Outline the factors that determine whether a gas is perfusion or diffusion limited.

Briefly outline the differences between the pulmonary circulation and the systemic circulation.

Describe the response to hypoxaemia in both the awake and anaesthetised patient.