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Turnley For Tennessee A voice for the people and the future; Through unity we can do all things.
Turnley For Tennessee

A voice for the people and the future; Through unity we can do all things.

Turnley For Tennessee A voice for the people and the future; Through unity we can do all things.

We will be discussing Unity, Change, helping our community, standing against and stopping corruption in local, State, federal politics.. We will bring live updates from state legislative session, broadcast on all bills from house to Senate that will come before a vote. My mission is to keep people up to date with what their leaders are doing and also on new bills and laws that will affect us all. Our vision is to unite everyone from all races, backgrounds and walks of life together in unity ready to lead the charge on change that we all want to see. Through unity, and love we can do all things

Available Episodes 3

Tennessee is ranked #46 in country in education funding and we demand our state law makers to fully fund our public schools, How can we be the volunteer state when our leaders won't even unite to fully fund our kids education. We as community leaders, teachers, students, parents must rise up take a stand call, email, message our school board members, our state leaders, county leaders and demand that they put the education of our future leaders first. We have $430 billion in rainy day funds but it is raining every day inside our schools, also in the lives of our teachers. How can law makers not support and give teachers raises but don't mind giving themselves a raise. The voice, The lives of our students and our teachers matter our voices will be heard. Every law maker who sit back not fight for better funding for our public schools should be fired. If our kids are our future leaders then we must fully fund their education, better books, technology, higher wages for teachers these are true ways to equip our teachers so they can give our kids the best education. #Tennessee #Legislature #Our #Kids #Teachers #Voices #Matter #Fully #Fund #Our #Public #Schools

I don't mind the bible being our state book but every elected leader must follow the word as well. Our leaders must read and follow every word in the bible, leaders can't want the bible the state book but don't live according to the word. They must follow the path our creator did not wage war on the same people who elected you. Our legislature won't fund education, pass health care, or help the poor but they want the bible as the state book. We must demand our leaders to live up to the word inside the bible not go against everything in it.