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African Media Malta Podcast
African Media Malta Podcast

African Media Malta Podcast

African Media Malta is a Media NGO whose aim is to Bring Africa Positively Into The News, trying to turn into a command, the wish expressed by Chinua Achebe's favorite African proverb :"Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter."

Available Episodes 10

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Supporting each other instead of taking down each other, say women.

 Advice, recommendations  to those brothers who are still in Africa and who plan to migrate.If you ask us, We would tell you not to come, because at least of the hard time that you will go through because of racism.But if you decide to come anyway, then there are some things that you need to know.

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Is it safe to say that the presence of the West in Africa is the cause of its underdevelopment.

We welcome you to this talkshow broadcasting from our studio in Valletta, Malta., we will tackle  a very difficult matter, a must-talk-about, that involves in a very negative way the lives of the members of our community.We are talking about discrimination of Black people at work  place.  a difficult topic, but  we will try to bring up some examples, starting from the story that makes news at the moment, the story of Lamin Jameh,  an African Worker who was dumped by the side of the road by his employer, after he fell from a two storey building at a construction site where he was working.Here,  employers are involved and during our talk, we want to include and send a constructive message to them, because they are  wealth creators. They are a very important segment of the economy and the society.

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What do Kenya, Spain and Cameroon have in common when it comes to traditional celebrations...well...dowry!
To know more, listen to our very original podcast that takes you for the discovery of fantastic traditions that you will love to listening to.

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It is true love. A foreigner and a local have decided to tie the knot, but the cultural element is rooted into their relationship through their family in Africa, friends or simple their cultural difference. We discuss it today in our podcast.

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Week August 8 -14 brings you news from Japan, Nigeria, Cameroon and Kenya

Is it for real, for documents or for sex? We discuss in the studio why relationships between  third county nationals and  Westerners are seen be the public opinion as a not being genuine.

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Our Food Tour transports us today in the Forest of Cameroon from where Regine gives you a taste of Sanga, a dish made of Kassava leaves, sweet corn and palm nuts cream. Delicious!

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We visit Kenya today with the Recipe of Matoke introduced to us by Eric! miam.