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Kakos Industries
Kakos Industries

Kakos Industries

A deeply entertaining, R-rated, darkly satirical, sex-positive comedy audio drama with elements of horror. Congratulations! You are now a shareholder in Kakos Industries, a megacorporation that specializes in helping its clients to Do Evil Better. You are now entitled to listen to the shareholder announcements that keep you up to date on all of the advancements made in Evil and the bizarre occurrences inside of Kakos Industries itself. For fans of Welcome to Night Vale, Douglas Adams, Better Off Ted, the Venture Brothers, and Archer.

Available Episodes 10

In which we celebrate Halloween, Corin goes to a fancy party, there are some vague threats, Violet makes friends, and Sam Jackson “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Kakos Industries is ad free. To help keep it that way, consider heading to Kakos and pledging a dollar or more a month. What you […]

In which Corin has trouble finding answers, your breath gets a lot fresher, the Spooky Finger is no more, and Lissy “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Kakos Industries is ad free. To help keep it that way, consider heading to Kakos and pledging a dollar or more a month. What you are […]

In which Corin goes on a date, you get curious about a box, we learn what that spooky finger is, and Heweylewewydewey “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Kakos Industries is ad free. To help keep it that way, consider heading to Kakos and pledging a dollar or more a month. What you […]

in which we learn something about the board, you enjoy some delicious cookies, and Bimple Lizkit “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Kakos Industries is ad free. To help keep it that way, consider heading to Kakos and pledging a dollar or more a month. What you are about to hear is gonna […]

in which we hear from Corin Deeth I about some trouble at work, a long time enemy is finally destroyed, and Jeff “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Kakos Industries is ad free. To help keep it that way, consider heading to Kakos and pledging a dollar or more a month. What you […]

in which Corin gets interviewed, we hear about Evil Con, and Golfish Onatabble “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Ryan: What you are about to hear is going to take a while to scrub off in the shower. CORIN: Hello everyone and welcome to yet another Kakos Industries shareholder orientation held right here at […]

in which Corin does some sleuthing, we hear from Corin Deeth I, who is trying to go deep, and Suini Ciderborn “wins” the Ruin-A-Life Drawing. Do Evil Better. Kakos Industries is ad free. To help keep it that way, consider heading to Kakos and pledging a dollar or more a month. Ryan: What you […]

I’ll be in Europe end of August to Early October. Get in touch if you want to see me! Hello, everyone. Conrad again. If you believe the cover story, then I am the creator of Kakos Industries, which is a work of fiction. If you don’t believe the cover story, then the tin foil is […]

Fourest: Hey, there, Corin, it’s me, Fourest. I just wanted to call and check up on how you’ve been doing. I know that you’re out there doing some searching, and well, I guess we all  know how talented you are at finding what you’re after. After all, I’m still alive, am I not? How long […]

in which none of our questions are answered, but apparently there’s an important reason.  Kakos Industries is ad free. To help keep it that way, consider heading to Kakos and pledging a dollar or more a month. Ryan: What you are about to hear is all about the heart healthy fig. Hey, there, Corin. […]