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Israel At War: An Intellectual Shmaltz Podcast
Israel At War: An Intellectual Shmaltz Podcast

Israel At War: An Intellectual Shmaltz Podcast

An Intellectually serious but out of the box view on the Israel's current (2023) war in Gaza   by an Israeli resident.  With some schmaltz mixed to keep it spicy.

Available Episodes 6

In this episode we consider whether this war is or isn’t solving israel’s central issues or is it just sweeping them under the rug, questions like the “democracy” fight and is Israel only the state of the Jews, ethnocentrism etc. and we are joined by a very special and very small guest.

Where we discuss is the enemy of Israel Hamas, Iran, the Palestinians, or maybe it’s actually one strand of the western imagination.

Where I wonder if Israel will start seeing strategy in a different way while I walk around Israel

Where I wonder about Israel’s (military) leadership while going for a walk in israel

The failures of Israel's intelligence community, leadership, and lack of quick response by their military are really just more examples of the same sort of institutional  failures seen in America's failed occupations and in general in our age of institutional rot. Sounds positive!

Israel At War: A Podcast By Intellectual Schmaltz