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What is Wrong with UX
What is Wrong with UX

What is Wrong with UX

Kate and Laura drink and fight about what is wrong with user experience design.

Available Episodes 10

Kate and Laura finally agree on something. Unfortunately, it's to end the podcast. They reminisce about the good parts and talk a bit about what comes next. 

Drink pairing (Kate): Long Island Ice Tea Drink pairing (Laura): Champagne

In this episode, Kate and Laura complain about a lot of stuff they use every day and then wonder why they do that. 

Drink pairing: Prosecco 

The two least consistent people in the world argue about why consistency matters. And why it doesn't. It's pretty much what you'd expect. 

Drink Pairing: Mulled Wine

In an episode that should have been called "a cry for help," Kate and Laura shriek about how old things can actually work just fine and please stop changing everything. The subtext is strong with this one. 

Drink Pairing: Old Fashioned

Support the damn podcast on Patreon, you cheap bastards! 

In this episode, Kate and Laura really go off the rails talking about the similarities, differences, and issues with various different higher level UX jobs, many of which they haven't actually held in well over a decade, if at all. 

Drink Pairing: Daquiri

Support the podcast on Patreon! 

In this episode, Kate and Laura whine about how hard it is to actually make things and Laura makes fun of The Future, again. 

Drink Pairing: Hard Cider

This episode is like being on a long car ride with two loud friends (Kate and Laura) who won't shut up about the journey. They yell a bit about how designers make everything into a much bigger deal than users really want or care about. 

Drink pairing: Anything out of a hip flask

In this episode, Kate and Laura argue about semantics. Again. This time they try to decide why collaboration is good and committees are bad. 

Drink Pairing: Sazerac

In this episode, Kate and Laura argue about how to best predict disasters when deciding what to build. Obviously they never applied this framework before they started making a podcast. 

Drink Pairing: Hurricane

Kate explains why she likes to make everything three times as hard as it needs to be. If you're playing the What is Wrong with UX drinking game and drinking every time they mention Task Flows, then maybe don't make any plans for after the podcast. 

Drink Pairing: Triple Sec