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Sex – Tantra and Kama Sutra
Sex – Tantra and Kama Sutra

Sex – Tantra and Kama Sutra

Tantra, Tantric Sex, Kama Sutra... Many people believe you can get closer to God through a practice of sacred sensuality by raising your erotic energy. Learn lovemaking positions so you and your lover can connect with higher powers and create deeper intimacy through spiritual teachings, breathing and meditative exercises that expand both mind and body. It's not sex therapy yet sacred sexuality and lovemaking techniques can be used for erotic issues such as anorgasmia, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, recovery from sexual trauma, yoni massage and marriage enhancement. If you want to learn how to achieve higher states of sensual consciousness or to live your life in total sensuality, this show, artfully hosted by Francesca Gentille, editor of "The Marriage of Sex and Spirit" will explore the writing, work and ideas of the most famous sensuality experts today in fields as diverse as Red Tantra, Buddhist Tantra, Hindu Tantra, Taoist Sexuality, Kama Sutra, Sexual Shamanism, Quodoshka, and Christian sacred sexuality. Discover how to have a love affair with life. Recent episodes include: THE SEXUAL STAGES IN RELATIONSHIP AND HOW COUPLES CAN INCREASE INTIMACY & PASSION THE SEXUAL YOGINI LIFESTYLE THE EROTIC REVOLUTION YOGA GODDESS WORSHIP CREATING SEXUAL PASSION IN IMPERFECT RELATIONSHIPS CLINICAL SECRETS OF A TANTRIC SEX THERAPIST TANTRA ENERGETICS FOR LONGER LASTING LOVEMAKING SEXOLOGICAL BODYWORK & SEXUAL CONFIDENCE DIVINE NECTAR AND AMRITA PUJA: EROTIC WORSHIP & INTIMATE PRESENCE CHAKRAS: PORTALS TO INTIMATE ENERGY BECOMING A TANTRIKA OR DAKINI AFTER 50 KUNDALINI ENERGY Guests include: Phil Love, Dreaming-Bear Baraka Kanaan, Tammy Nelson, Carolena Fleishman, Sherry Froman, Dr. Betty Martin, Steven Vogue & Anastas Harris, Ty Gesyuk, Sally Valentine, Somraj Pokras, Wendy Maltz, Stuart Sovatsky, Trebbe Johnson, Philip Johncock, Jonia Mariechild, LaSara Firefox, Danielle Harel, Celeste Hirschman, Lisa Schrader, Destin Gerek, Anita De Francesco, Donald Michael Kraig, Ina "Laughing Winds" Mlekush, Lori Grace Star, Mark Michaels & Patricia Johnson, Linda Savage, Suzie Heumann, Geralyn Gendreau, Carla Tara, Charla Hathaway, Judy Kuriansky, Nicole Daedone, Stephen Braveman, Anodea Judith, Dr. Patti Britton, Evalena Rose, Stella Resnick, Kutira Decosterd, Phil Brucato, Gina Ogden, Sylvia Brallier, Tallulah Sulis, Bonnie Gabriel, Grace Purusha, Baba Dez, Alan Davidson and a never ending list of evolved, experienced teachers every week. <b>SCROLL DOWN HERE TO LISTEN TO ANY EPISODE.</b>

Available Episodes 10

IGNITING THE FEMININE THROUGH MASCULINE ENERGY MASTERY with John Maxwell Taylor, author of "Eros Ascending; The Life-Transforming Power of Sacred Sexuality,"& "The Power of Am: Creating a New World of Enlightened Personal Instruction." Playwright, composer, actor, lecturer & musician. In this episode, John explores the path that unifies the Romance of the Heart with the Biology of Desire. Learn how to ignite, connect & support the feminine energy so that it flows forth to bless the masculine & the world. Discover how raise erotic energy & heal the heart through Essence Gazing. Recover the expansive, empowering energy of the Lingam/Phallus to enter a woman from the depth of her being to the crown of her head. Embrace the transformative power of Adoration.

DANCING WITH DESIRE: RECOVERING BODY WISDOM with Kimerer LaMothe. Anaward-winning author, philosopher, and dancer, Kimerer is co-founder of Vital Arts, a center for arts and ideas, located on a farm in upstate New York where she now lives with her partner and their five children. Her latest book is, "What a Body Knows: Finding Wisdom in Desire."In this episode, Kimerer LaMothe shares her journey from Harvard Professor to life as a mother of 5, living on a farm, and author of a book on the wisdom of desire. Discover the key impulses of desire toward vitality, direction, belonging & spirit. Learn how to transform the yuck of life into a potential for pleasure yet to unfold. Deepen into the giving & receiving of life enabling touch.

ANCIENT ROOTS OF FEMININE EROS with Max Dashu, who founded the Suppressed Histories Archives in 1970 to research women's history internationally and understand how systems of domination established and perpetuate themselves. She has built a collection of some 15,000 slides and 100 shows. In this episode, Max depthfully shares the lost vital principal of life & how to reconnect to the nectar of the body. Recover what becomes possible with reverence, & honor of the inner pulse & rhythms of the spinal column. Reclaim the healing energy of the ancient & indigenous Sacra Vulva. Delight in the invocations, stories & nourishing mythos from around the world.

EXPAND HER ORGASM TONITE with Dr. Patti Taylor, Dr. Patti Taylor, Queen of Expanded Orgasm, best selling author and Certified Sexological Bodyworker. 21 years of Tantric exploration creator of "Expand Her Orgasm Tonite," "The Enchantment of Opposites," and "Expanded Orgasm Soar to Ecstacy at Your Lover's Every Touch."In this episode, Patti artfully shares over 20 years of wisdom on enhancing orgasmic potential & experience. Discover key practices that can support any woman to find her sensate feelings & nourish them more fully. Learn how to create clitoral engorgement prior to additional stimulations. Uncover why women & men have differing orgasmic styles & how to work with them. Embrace "the touch of rapture" that can have energetic pleasure last up to 10 minutes. Plus receive $100 off "Expand Her Orgasm Tonite: The 21 Program for Partners."

PASSION, COURAGE & INTEGRITY with Satyr Phil Brucato, working fantasy & metaphysical author. Writer for "Witches & Pagans" magazine. Sacred dancer. Practitioner of Tantra. In this episode, Satyr exposes the access to Eros in all of life. Discover how the Golden Rule & courage support life-long love & passion. Release the shame & blame that create Covert Agendas. Spelunk the intimate layers of why your life looks like this. Learn the 4 steps of unleashing erotic inspiration everywhere.

SUCCULENT SELF RELATING with Dr. Korenna Reynard, therapist, somatic sexologist, & erotic educator. Happily married for 5 years. Assisting people with issues regarding relationships and Intimacy for the past 15 years. In this episode, Korenna courageously debunks the myth of "my partner can't handle the truth." Base your foundation on the 3 Legged Stool of self, relationship, & partner. Recover how to be an awesome adult in relationship. Learn how to stay & when to go. Get real with an exercise that exposes how others see you. Reclaim the succulent self-relating that has you be irresistible to others.

KALI MA: INTIMATE CONNECTION & SPIRITUAL INITIATION with Chandra: Rashani Chandranath Alexandre, Ph.D., D.Min. Founder & Executive Director SHARANYA / The Maa Batakali Cultural Mission, Inc. Chandra is adjunct research faculty at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology and is VP of Development at a regional nonprofit where she focuses on fund development for the organization’s policy initiatives, research and key programs. Married and mother of a 4 month old girl. In this episode, Chandra guides our journey into the dark, fertile depth of relationship & back again. Learn how & when to smell the crap & move through it. Experience the strength to open, surrender, and move from the heart. Get evolutionary as you recover your "sankalpa," the spiritual discipline that ignites intuition (the highest form of knowledge). Discover the richness & healing depth of Kali Ma as divine mother, creatrix, and destroyer of ego. Attune to the vibration of the empowering mantra: "Om KRIM KALYAI NAMAH."

INTUITION IN THE QUEST FOR LOVE with Master Rose Love. Inventor of the Human Pod. Extensive expertise in the areas of Reiki, Crystal healing, Tibetian & Crystal Singing bowl healing, Tai Chi/Chi Gung, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbology, Quantum Physics, Cellular Biology and Vibrational Medicine. Director of Beyond Medicine Wellness Center in Charlotte, NC. Tantra Practitoner harmonizing the masculine & feminine within. In this episode, Rose vibrantly reveals her startling life journey from electrical & computer engineer from rural Georgia to transformation & international leader. Deepen into the radical intuition that changes lives & transforms the brain. Release addiction to the blame state. Ignite your souls journey into hearts desire & higher purpose. Explore the harmonizing power of the Inner Masculine & Inner Feminine.

TANTRA & ADDICTION RECOVERY with, Akasha Prem Ganga. A playful metaphysician. She has studied with Sages and Guru’s from around the world, including Margot Anand, Dr. John LaTourette, Werner Earhardt and others. Native American, Hindu, Taoist, Tibetan and South African technique. She practices various healing arts including meditation, self-hypnosis, reiki, energy medicine, Huna and TantraIn this episode, Akasha shares from the 112 Hindu Tantric techniques that support living in powerful presence with ALL that is. She compassionately reveals her personal journey from addict to playful metaphysician. Explore how what the mind thinks the body follows. Cultivate the inner awareness of self-love that is woven into the universal principal of attraction. Create dynamic meditations that increase body awareness.

NAVIGATING THE FOURFOLD PATHWAY OF INTIMACY ALCHEMY, with Michael Gelbart LCSW In this episode, Michael intelligently shares the 4 fold pathway of the alchemy of intimate relationships. Explore the endings, beginnings, ins & outs of ongoing relationship. Differentiate between being taken away into inspiration & taken down into a trap. Learn what to do if you are a Distancer, or a Fuser. Drop the clothes of your personality & get naked soul to soul.