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The Psychedelic Playground
The Psychedelic Playground

The Psychedelic Playground

Welcome to the psychedelic playground, a sacred practice space to ground, integrate, and divinate the spiritual encodings of life. In this community- we are growing seeds of conscious energy, and listening to the divine symmetries of our soul's journey on earth. Join us in connecting the dots of our ancestral and celestial communications, study together through mystery school initiations, expand into your human visions, and let's grow together as spiritual seedlings. Water the gardens, play in playground, grow into the psychedelics of Earth.

Available Episodes 10

This episode was recorded as 2024 is coming to a close and a new doorway opens into next year. It felt important to talk about the energies moving and those being invited in.

The 2025 divination is all about staying steady and directed even when things in the world feel chaotic or destructive. When things get messy- that's when we need the tools, rituals, and skills in place to ensure we rise to the occasion.

The doorway of ascension is focused and narrow. Certain things (people, behaviors, places) are not going to be able to step into the next dimension with you. The more you fight against it and try to penetrate your will into life, the harder it will be for life to inseminate you with its divine destiny for you.

Next year- facilitators and experience creators are going to be very needed. People are going to be craving spaces where everyone gets fed, and everyone gets fed in the right amount. Where people can be themselves, share their findings with other people on the path, and expand into their gifts together.

People are craving to be led and guided by good leaders. And good leaders are people that are very clear on their story, their mission, and their reason for gathering others under their vision. When leaders are fortified in their spiritual networks, we have the ability to populate greater community ecosystems with seeds of consciousness and nourishment. People are not only craving this, but they are feeling this in everyone they meet. They are marking and noting the ones that seem to be able to see in the dark, have vision for the future, and are working with technologies that feel both ancient and new.

As life unfolds on planet earth- individuals will be seeking those that are in relationship with the other dimensions. They will be curious to hear from the people that have been participating in other realms, and spending energy in other possibilities.. So get clear on who you be and what you do and why your rituals are so necessary.

Often times it is through challenges and hardships that our life delivers to us the pathway of our medicine and of our destiny. When we timeline jump- it is through our mini deaths, that our soul's mission is birthed again, and again, and again. In 2025 those of us who are creating, developing and refining our vessels so that we pour our gifts properly into the collective; will come together in solidarity, connectivity- and remembrance that we came here to not do this work all alone.

You are here to play a different game. You came on planet with a reputation to protect. You auditioned and got invited to show up as this role. You are here to create an experience. You are here to create your own world within the world. This bridges and connects us in a greater field of weavings that once totally online- will be the mainstream reality, a literal garden of utopia.

Some part of what you came here to do was to be in relationship with building a new dimension on planet earth. You are playing an energetic game. A spiritual one. You are a player who has reclaimed their soul in the story. This is what we came for, this is what is needed for this times.

Time to be in your body on the ground floor, and do what you came here to do. I'll see you there. In solidarity- into eternity.

It is October 31 as I record this episode; a magical day. The transmission is channeled, the guides are clear; and the energy is near, playful, and dear. This last month has been a commitment ceremony- Between you and a new lifetime. Pluto is changing signs, energy will begin to swish & switch.

You've been standing at the altar, making your vows. Committing to the world that you want to weave. The officiant, the one with the power invested in them- the witness; the whole communion is divinely ordained.

1+1= 3 that was the initiation of October. And now the portal that has been opened will begin to close. Last notes. Last vows. Last big efforts. November will be a significant turning point in some area of your life. It's been percolating for a while, and now the doors opens to your spiritual charge. Communities will form around what you said yes to, wrote contracts around, and committed to this last month.

Thresholds are meeting points- wear protection. Cover your head. Cloak up. There's a reason people dress in costume when the invisible realms unveil themselves on Oct 31.

These are not costumes- they are cloaks, capsules, calibrations in time. They amplify and protect your soul.

Sit comfortable, knowing you've been training for this.

The door opens, a new world awaits.

Close out anything that is ready to leave you.

Much love from the threshold,




Weaving The Wheel- An Integration Divination

This episode is a BIG one. I am joined by one of my all time favorite magicians- Seya Speake Pine; who took us into the Akashic Records today to ask some really vital questions:

1. How do I wake up the collective like I am waking up myself? How can my own quest in ascending consciousness be of service to the collective good and our growth together?

2. How do I come to radical acceptance of the current atrocities in our reality- while also mobilizing and sustaining energy to fight for change?

3. Where do we focus on opening and building the bridges so that the rest can find it? How can we build sustainable portals so that we can cross with integrity to the other side?

And the answers, per Akasha's wisdom; were POWERFUL.

Seya and I are exploring the Record Halls to prepare you for our upcoming journey: ORACLE. In this group- you will be guided into mystical, intuitive, somatic fortification practices to help you ground your psychic channels. Seya will be attuning each member to the Akashic Records so that you can access this Oracular guidance system- yourself, and become a speaker & leader for the good of all.

Some of the answers that came through were direct actionable steps, while others were a veil lifting off of our current perceptions. Our intention with this episode, and in Oracle- is for us all to see more clearly, speak more consciously, and listen more intuitively to our psychic ears.

If you've every been curious about the Akashic records, if you have questions about how to be in more spiritual service to our current reality, if you are devoted to sitting at the feet of the Oracle to be a good medicine person, steward, and leader for our world? Then this episode was directly divined for YOU.

Join us in ORACLE, doors close 11/1.

Connect with Seya @SeyaSpeakePine

Connect with Eliana @Wellness_Weaver

Something we love to play with on this podcast is the art of divination. Seeing into the future, by getting current with the past. Checking in with the timelines- by reviewing where we are now in current time. And then discussing what this could possibly mean for where we are going for the future.

So the energy that we recorded this episode within- is all about "kissing auras" the ART OF DEVOTION. Returning to the feed of our commitments to this time. And the activations for this resonance are pouring in. Everything that is showing up now is setting the stage for 2025. The commitments that we make to this current time are revealing the way to walk through the next few years with clarity, conviction, and clairvoyance- integrated as a necessary tool.

Your spiritual energy has never been more needed on this planet. Your connection to your channel is a vital thread. You are stabilizing the divine energy. You are grounding it. You are speaking for it. You are the bridge to it and for it.

So this episode is a lovely little deep dive into how you can orient your grids now, so you can be best prepared for what is coming. Your destiny is here. Your directives are HERE. The people in your life that you are working with, connecting to, talking to, learning from- they are greatly impacting you.

So let them. Let them open the door to your future. Doors are bridges, they spread you across dimensions. Some are opening, some are closing- you are in charge of what gets passed through. So it's time to get clear, get clairvoyant and get real sure about where you're going and who you're going with as you enter into this next chapter of your life.

Enjoy this episode? I'd love to hear from you! or @Wellness_Weaver on insta!

Your dwelling is a very spiritual space in your life... It houses you. Stores the food that feeds you. It's the womb of your own creation story- where you get to play out your play. Spaces that we get to set up shop in; paint our energy into the walls of- are safe, sacred sanctuaries for our creativity.

And your home, is waking up in sentience right along with you. And as it reveals itself to creation, it reveals itself to you too. You have sacred contracts with the spaces you inhabit. You, it- and all of the spirits that dwell within the field- are collaborating on a sacred land agreement. This is the rule.

If you'd like to be in better relation with the space that homes you, there is no better time than now. If you are moving or recently transitioned- this is also a great time to say your hellos, goodbyes and salutations. The home loves a good greeting. It appreciates your family check ins.

If you are someone who understands that all of sentience is sacred, and that to be in good relations and respect of natural law- is to be right with your soul.. then this conversation is for you. You are here to work on some very big projects in and with your home. You and your family.

So spend some time, say hello to the spirits of the home, and I hope that you enjoy this episode!

Thank you for sharing the podcast with your people! If you have insights, I'd love to hear from you @Wellness_Weaver or <3

She came back from the ick..

Have you ever been really turned off by someone that normally (or always) you've been really excited and into?

Well I'm going to tell you a little story about how developing "the ick" for someone can actually be a great way to scan your own energy for shadows lurking in the basement.

In your life you are going to walk a wide labyrinth of spiritual teachings as a whole.

But the ones that are most helpful? They are the human lessons right in front of you.

The people in your life are your greatest initiations. When someone brings up a lot of energy in your system, whether perceived good or bad- there is a contract there.

You two have some karmic lesson to hash out.

And more often than not, they are one of your most benevolent guides working it out with you.

So how do you focus your creations and visions with others- when they are triggering you, initiating you, and teaching you?

Good questions to ask yourself- are they feeding the village? Creating medicine for the entire community? Resourcing clean food, water, and spiritual energy into other people's homes?

These people are part of your vision. These people have a path and purpose for you. Let them lead you into your learning. Even if, especially if, they are revealing all your shadows to you..

This episode is a great deep dive for anyone who wants to talk about why you're called to either steward your own spiritual eco friendly business and/or be a part of the creations that other people are creating for the community.

Join us in studying marketing, sales, and other business magic in The Hive (business tier) inside of Eden: HERE

Check out Pilar's Website: HERE

Find me (Eliana) on instagram @Wellness_Weaver

Are you living in the same body as you were a few years ago? Or have new resources divinely dropped in to reshape you into a more authentic expression of yourself?

What gets created from liminal spaces? When you're standing on the edge of one world and recognizing the vast potential of what's really out there- how does that expand you? Grow your capacity? Train you for where you need to go? What do you leave at the thresholds as you travel there?

There are strict instructions at the doorways of dimensions. How you connect with the other side of your current reality, is dependent on you cultivating a strong vessel. When more of you (your body, your body of work, your body of creation stories); gets seen, you must be fortified in your vulnerability.

Psychic energy is intense, and there is more psychic energy on the field every day. As your system gets eyes on it, your own psychic schools of thought are going to be getting upgrades. You will see people in new ways and in this- your judgement can soften, your own beliefs about what once was will change. And you can learn to be a better human.

Humility is your greatest ally. Being sensitive to this is a gift.

Your people are your mirrors. What you see in others, you are organically witnessing as an aspect of yourself too. And until you integrate that mirror, this aspect will only ever be a projected distortion. This is why staying yourself- in a room where every body wants you to be something else, is a superpower. This is your future- you, untangled, supporting others, weaving life back together in a conscious loving way.

Always tune back into where you have gone, for it will greatly serve the longevity of where you are going.

Ritual Of Communion


Monthly Energy Readings

Welcome back to the fourth episode of the newly named Psychedelic Playground. Recorded in the alchemical cauldron of the Equinox, this episode is tuning us into the seasonal change, rituals for transformation, the organic timelines, and the energy of the season ahead.

Thresholds, doorways, entries to new dimensions- fortification, responsibility, and protection is on the menu. We honor the sacred. We keep the sacred secret.

The seeds that are planted now, mentor us through the next season. So attune to the present moment, check in with spirit at this quarter point of the year. Listen in. How are you spending your energy? Where are you giving your time?Time to create new rituals. Time to tune to new rhythms.

I hope you enjoyed this conversation, check in with me on the gram @Wellness_Weaver

Receive the newsletter w/ monthly energy readings: HERE

Word on the wind is that truth grow from darkness, the riddles protect the mysteries, and the taboo is sacred.

Welcome to a guest podcast on the playground with one of my favorite wisdoms Ali Whitten- a magic hat making, tarot wielding, herb garden tending, wild weaver of the wind spirits. She's also a straight up hilarious holy human.

From letting the earth hold everything we can't..

to turning to the tools during alchemical times..

to plant medicine being the most spiritual medium of all.

Through this conversation we are casting new visions into the future, grounding into the temple of the land, and focusing our channels by dancing with both shadow & light.

The earth always returns us to it, and returns what we have lost to us. From the ashes of past lifetimes, to the blue waters of clairvoyant signs. Red threads, to blue threads to the growing spectrums in between the castle of rainbows.

We keep on weaving, and the black dog keeps on unthreading, and the cauldron keeps on brewing, and the tapestry of life gets woven again and again. Imperfection is a fool's spell, humor is an oracle's greatest magic trick, and words will forever be the greatest teachers of who we are.

Connect with Ali, discover her world.. enjoy this episode.

Become Multitudes:

Personal Instagram- Rainbow Queen

Herb Magic Instagram- Sparkle Boss Mama Herbalism

Welcome back to the playground. On this episode I’m sharing a story about how 4 projectors and one MG opened a door to another dimension. Kidding but not really.

Over the last few months my husband and I have been working on a big project, big as in 20 feet tall. And when it came to erecting these doors- it was up to 4 projects and an MG at the center to make this vision into a reality. I learned a lot from watching the other Projectors navigating a group project. Especially as Projector men, but also just as 5 humans navigating a huge initiatory journey together.

Through this lens of curating and creating a vision, we discuss the current technological revolution, myspace, and how those of us alive at this time- are uniquely capacitated for these times. The internet has taught us to grow and expand our energy in ways that fortify us for the coming tides ahead. These subtle realms give us so much room to move and groove, expand and contract- upload and delete. This has made us psychically and energetically adaptable.

All of these pieces together- the team dynamics, our relationship with the internet and how the internet has related to us, and what it takes to bring a vision into a physical manifestation- are topics of this podcast episode. Grounding the energetic, solidifying the psychic, taking notes.

Are you enjoying these conversations?

Let me know! Leave a comment/review or message me ⁠@Wellness_weaver⁠

Join us in Eden

The Garden (community tier)

The Hive (business tier)