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Supa Black!
Supa Black!

Supa Black!

Welcome to Supa Black! We are a group of superhero enthusiasts from across the African Diaspora. Every episode we will talk superhero fair-- past, present and future. From Marvel and DC to anime, there is no stone we will leave unturned. Are you ready to turn up, up and away? đź’Ą Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

Available Episodes 10

Another day another Top 5! Today is Valentine's Day and we've got a shorty but goody episode coming your way. Instead of leaning into the mushy and gooey love fest, we decided to be chaotic and go in the opposite direction. Today we are talking Top 5 WORST love interests and the conversation jumps from our more traditional fair to Sailor Moon to everyone's favorite Ninja Turtles. Did we nail our list? Or did our bullseye hit one of your OTPs (One True Pairings). Join the conversation on IG and don't forget to follow us on IG and Twitter!

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Another week, another episode. This time we have another Top 5 for you!-- sort of. We got so caught up in the conversation, I'm not sure we quite got there.  There are a LOT of really terrible villains that have been brought to life over the years. What are YOUR thoughts? Come on over to IG and let us know! Follow us there and on Twitter to join the conversation.

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Did you miss us?!

We’re back y’all! Join us for a riveting discussion to start off our SECOND SEASON! Today we talk about the the correlation between the X-Men and Race. We attempt to name 5 Black Mutants (harder than it sounds), cognitive dissonance for white people who understand the struggle of the mutants we know and love and refuse to get on board with Black causes, and super-powered beings vs. mutants.

Jump on board and join the conversation. Don’t forget to follow, like and subscribe.

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Our finale is finally here— and guess what?!


Does he really need an introduction? Most people have come across his work (especially that voice) in some shape or form: MadTV alumni, Pulp Fiction victim, Bail Organa, John Stewart Green Lantern, Samurai Jack, and SO much more!

Please excuse our panel. They couldn’t contain their delight during this episode. Who could blame us?!?

Make sure you stick around for a surprise at the end. Phil, just about made our year! 

Thank you to all who made “Supa Black!” a part of your year. We’ll catch y’all in February 2023 with more episodes.

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Can you believe it?!— It’s our penultimate episode of the season/year!

If you’ve been a long-time listener, then you know a large portion of our panel has been a part of the entertainment industry. Though we are mostly theatre folk, we know all too well the rat race that can be the attempts at representation in the industry.

Today we wanted to talk about Hollywood in particular: where it succeeds, where it fails, and where it can do better. (Hint: it can ALWAYS do better)

Are you as thrilled as we are about the opportunities that marginalized communities have been getting? You must be or you wouldn’t be listening to this podcast!

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In today’s episode, join the panel as we discuss the trilogy as a storytelling device. There are so many famous ones: The Dark Knight, Spider-Man (both the Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland versions), Heck— Star Wars has been told in trilogy form since the 70s.

Do you like the use of the format? Is it overdone? Which ones are you favorite? Which is you least favorite and why is it the one with Spider Man three and emo Peter Parker? Are you a fan of the nonology? Did Rolls invent a word?

Get into it!

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In honor of the recent premiere of the trailer for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, the sequel to the visual and emotional feast that was Into the Spider-Verse, we thought it an apropos to release this episode!

Today we try to nail down our Top 5 Spider Beings. There have been a LOT of people (and creatures) bitten by spiders in the Marvel Universe and we tried our best to talk about a large chunk of them. Who knew about Spider Wolf before this episode? Not us! Big fan though.

Who did we miss? Who would YOU have placed on our list? Does Peter Porker haunt your dreams?

Get in on the action with the panel, only here on Supa Black!

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"The Blackening"-- a phenomenon that occurs in popular culture where traditionally white-identified heroes have their race changed to Black. It's been a popular way to diversify old properties for decades... but how do we feel about the practice?

During this episode, the panel discusses the positives and negatives of making well-known characters Black where they had not before. We talk about how it works in practice (Nick Fury) and hypothetical Blackenings that would intrigue us (Batman). We also get into why original works would be the preferable way to go. 

Whether you hate it or love it, I think we can all agree that it makes racists mad and isn't that just delightful? If they put a cape on, then they can even be "Supa" Mad! Thanks to Rich for that one.

Jump on in! (Oh, and DM us for shirt inquiries).

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This was a big one for the panel! 

This time last year we were all enjoying Hawkeye on Disney+. We were thrilled to get the majority of the LARPers from Hawkeye together for an interview: Adetinpo Thomas (making a glorious return to us), Adelle Drahos and Robert Walker-Branchaud!

We chatted about the casting process for their respective roles, current projects and ones on the horizon, and had a little fun playing what we like to call "Hawkeye I Spy". "How am I supposed to play along?" you may be asking-- Well, never fear! Once you're done listening to the podcast in your car, on the train, at the gym (or wherever you best enjoy your podcast experience), hop on over to and follow along for our FIRST PUBLISHED VIDEO INTERVIEW! Our Christmas gift to you.


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Another day another episode!   

Today the panel got together to discuss some DC properties we thought should be adapted and given the big screen treatment.  

Full disclosure— this was recorded awhile ago and recent announcements were not a factor, though we were definitely clairvoyant in some respects.  

What properties are you a fan of that we left out? Are you a Gunn hater? Come one come all and let us know YOUR thoughts on the future of DC live-action!

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