When you feel called, when reading books and church and rote prayers are just not enough, when you long for Him, to be with Him, or if you've had an extraordinary experience and you found no one else seems to understand, possibly including you, yourself,<em> I am reaching out to you, </em>so that the Elect can find and support each other.<br><br><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/UnbannableChristian/"><b>HERETIC'S REDDIT HOME</b></a><br><br>Jesus of Nazareth was declared a heretic, in fact, an "arch heretic" by the highest authorities in Israel. He was expelled from the Temple and declared anathema along with His followers, all sentenced to death. To believe Him, to believe there is no hell as we commonly think of it and know He never said so, to know all will be saved, to know "eternal life" means we simply move from this material existence to Eternity because there is no death, makes me and others who follow the Savior's Gospel "heretics."<br><br><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tX8KAVJ4zTgbeNNp4zcQmzSefWMh0eYw/view?usp=sharing"><b>What the Gehenna?</b></a><b>&nbsp; &nbsp;</b><br><br>Julian of Norwich, mystic and contemplative, in speaking about receiving visions and revelations from God said: "...measure these experiences according to the worship they accrue to God and the profit to your fellow Christians..."<br><br><a href="https://www.ccel.org/ccel/julian/revelations.html"><b>Revelations of Divine Love</b></a> [free PDF] Julian of Norwich<br><br>I never shared much about my own experiences. I considered it all personal. But now, having read what Julian said, maybe I'm wrong or maybe it's time,&nbsp; because the God that loves us knows right now, we need the True Gospel. I share my experiences and others' and tell you what the most recognized mystics have revealed again and again over 2000 years.<br><br><a href="https://ccel.org/ccel/anonymous2/cloud/cloud."><b>CLOUD OF UNKNOWING </b></a>Evelyn Underhill edition - free<br><br>It's time, in this day of international insta-communication and worldwide tribulation to spread the good news to all people, as Jesus said. This podcast is for the called, the Elect—anyone who longs to be oned with the Absolute—the unfathomable Love and Light that we call God.<br><br><br><br>&nbsp;</p><a href="https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2393141.rss">RSS Feed</a></p><br></p><b>EPISODES</b></p>
November 5th, 2024: NOTHING CHANGED.
In the physical world, nothing has changed but the emotions of a large proportion of the population. But forces in the Kingdom have gathered.
Now, the Elect on Earth must respond. The Elect have been and are being chosen. And our job has not changed, but all days off are cancelled.
This is the Tribulation. Said here before, it started a few klicks back. The Liar calls for our destruction.
Excerpted Mark 13:
And as He sat at the Mount of Olives, opposite the temple, Peter, James, John and Andrew questioned Him privately. “...what will be the sign when all these things will begin to be fulfilled?”
And Jesus answered them:
S1E1 Calling the Elect to the Prayer of Faith
S1E3 Being His Gospel; Bringing Christ into the World
S1E4 Protecting THE WORD Through the Prayer of Faith
Podcast not monetized. Links and more:
Contact: kyriedicentis@gmail.com
Companion Blog: https://callingthelect.blogspot.com (You do not need a Google account to read or comment r correct the Host.)
The Didache: [free PDF] From the 50A.D. 1st Council of Jerusalem led by James the Just, Peter and John—the oldest official statement of the Faith and practices for followers of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Used widely during the Apostolic Age, lost for a 1000 years, and found in the New Testament of oldest existing Bible: the Codex Sinaiticus.
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?
"Paul told us: "charge them before God to stop disputing about words. This serves no useful purpose since it harms those who listen." 2 Timothy 2:14
Note this post from the Christian Universalism forum on Reddit:
I'm confused because this word can mean both age and eternity...
"No, it can't mean both. Aion is the noun, it is used when you mean "an age" as in a period of time or, more commonly, a person's specific age or time of life. It can also mean "world."
"But "aionios is an adjective, that can mean without beginning, without end, or everlasting.
Note that the arguments about the meaning of a word diverted the poster from Christ? For this reason, IMO, delivering well-researched, prayerful New Testament discernment is possible and desirable, under controlled circumstances. One way to bring this back to Jesus:
"We need to stop focusing on the adjective Jesus used because it doesn't matter. Jesus never said the word "hell." He never said anyone would be endlessly tormented or even temporarily tormented.
"He explained in various ways the relationship between existence incarnate and existence in the Kingdom and how those are related, and said this is the way it has always been and always will be.
There are dens of antiChrist vipers out there who make derailing God's Truth their lifework. MAKE NO MISTAKE, THIS IS A WAR AGAINST CHIRST AND THE LOGOS, hence the name of the series.
If we don't "contend" how do we fight? I once read a stat that said for every poster there are 8 lurkers. We can answer the poster, but know our responses in faith are for the lurkers.
~~Paul did not say ALL the writings of the modern (or any) Canon of Scripture were "God breathed." Kyrie tells us what he actually said and why it's illogical and dangerous to believe the claim.
Podcast not monetized. Links and more:
Contact: kyriedicentis@gmail.com
Companion Blog: https://callingthelect.blogspot.com (You do not need a Google account to read or comment r correct the Host.)
The Didache: [free PDF] From the 50A.D. 1st Council of Jerusalem led by James the Just, Peter and John—the oldest official statement of the Faith and practices for followers of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Used widely during the Apostolic Age, lost for a 1000 years, and found in the New Testament of oldest existing Bible: the Codex Sinaiticus.
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?
Paul did not say ALL SCRIPTURE is "God Breathed." In this episode Kyrie reveals what the verse does say and how the antiChrists are using it to destroy the Gospel and relegate Jesus to "Just another guy in the Bible."
If the claims are based on John's Gospel, saying that "everything was made through Him" and so Jesus, as Second Person of the Trinity, wrote all the books of the Bible, then He also wrote all the books banned from the Bible. He wrote the Egyptian Book of the Dead. He wrote the I Ching.
If anything said by anyone in the collection of scrolls the Hebrews s considered relevant to their religion and culture are equally true as anything Jesus says in Scripture, why did the Protestants ignore Jesus writings and toss out 8 books and several additional writings from what the call the "Bible?"
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Paul is giving Timothy instructions for taking over Paul's ministry and place as an Apostle, he has been referring to his own writings all through the letter, as here:
So you, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And what you heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will have the ability to teach others as well.
3:14-16 ; 4:1-2
But you will abide in that which you understand firmly, knowing from whom you learned, since from your beginning you understood the writings about God—those that are able to increase your understanding of redemption with assurance through Jesus Christ.
Every writing inspired by God and also helpful for teaching, for evidence, for correction, for nurturing of righteouness—in order that Godly men maybe be completely equipped for all manner of good works—I charge you .... to preach that word.
Part of Paul's writings were not inspired as he said, himself. Of those that were, not all were suitable for general audience preaching, as we understand from "inspired by God and also..."
Kyrie explains what makes this so dangerous.
Podcast not monetized. Links and more:
Contact: kyriedicentis@gmail.com
Companion Blog: https://callingthelect.blogspot.com (You do not need a Google account to read or comment r correct the Host.)
The Didache: [free PDF] From the 50A.D. 1st Council of Jerusalem led by James the Just, Peter and John—the oldest official statement of the Faith and practices for followers of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Used widely during the Apostolic Age, lost for a 1000 years, and found in the New Testament of oldest existing Bible: the Codex Sinaiticus.
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?
For from the greatness and the beauty of created things, their Original Author, by analogy, is seen. Wisdom 13:5
BUBBLES. The first thing I did for this episode is make the title card that goes with it. I hope you can see it. If not, I have a post for the episode image here.
The simple topic is our connectedness to God. The subtext is Universalism - all shall be reconciled to Him. Let's listen to Saint Isaac:
"This is the mystery: that all creation by means of One, has been brought near to God in a mystery; then it is transmitted to all; thus all is united to Him...This action was performed for all of creation; there will, indeed, be a time when no part will fall short of the whole." Saint Isaac the Syrian, 7th century.
So much of what we are given in our moments of connection is lost when we try to express the unexpressable in language. Much is also lost when we translate from one language to another. But this last thought was repeated by Julian centuries later.
From Saint Isaac we learn the simplicity of Our Lord's most profound teachings, that works in any language:
"As a handful of sand thrown into the ocean, so are the sins of all flesh as compared with the mind of God; as a fountain that flows abundantly is not dammed by a handful of earth, so the compassion of the Creator is not overcome by the wickedness of the creatures... "
How arrogant do we have to be to believe we can alter God? That we can make Divine Love, not loving? Our real problem is, we can say we believe but mostly we don't believe God is in us. And that we are as much God as the Incarnate Jesus if we follow Him.
Here's a link to a You Tube video about how bubbles hang together and just how thin but strong that barrier is.
Podcast not monetized. Links and more:
Contact: kyriedicentis@gmail.com
Companion Blog: https://callingthelect.blogspot.com (You do not need a Google account to read or comment r correct the Host.)
The Didache: [free PDF] From the 50A.D. 1st Council of Jerusalem led by James the Just, Peter and John—the oldest official statement of the Faith and practices for followers of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Used widely during the Apostolic Age, lost for a 1000 years, and found in the New Testament of oldest existing Bible: the Codex Sinaiticus.
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?
NOTE: 2:45 I DID "WORK WITHOUT A SCRIPT" and so need to deconfuse the cabin story. I was 7 years old. There was no artificial light outside the cabin. I sat next to a closed window in the kitchen at night - not "in the dark" - under the bright bulb. I'lll probably re-record that part. Sorry for the confusion.
Jesus came to tell us the Way Things Work. But some things He chose not to say, then. Now, having preached the Gospel to the whole world, all can be said.
Thomas Aquinas, born 1225-27, was a theologian and “Doctor of the Catholic Church.” Aquinas wrote:
Nothing should be denied the blessed that belongs to the perfection of their beatitude…Wherefore in order that the happiness of the saints may be more delightful to them and that they may render more copious thanks to God for it, they are allowed to see perfectly the sufferings of the damned.
Hard to imagine anything more antiChrist than this declaration. Yet, whose writings have formed the basis of all Western Christian Church dogma. Thomism, not Christ.
Aquinas had a Divine experience - a vision. He said to his secretary "Everything I have written is as straw." He repudiated all 8 million-plus words he'd written on all things Christian. He never wrote another word as long as he lived.
Yet, those 8 million were embraced by the Roman Church and Aquinas was exalted as Doctor of the Church and Julian of Norwich was sealed into a cell. Visionaries have been repressed, accused, attacked and executed.
Kyrie believes that last is unlikely to happen to her. Though she did say,
"Pray for us, I'm working without a script! This information is couched in symbols as we have no capacity to fully apprehend it. But in three visions I was shown The Way Things Work. (Things being the Universe of Time and Eternity.)
Podcast not monetized. Links and more:
Contact: kyriedicentis@gmail.com
Companion Blog: https://callingthelect.blogspot.com (You do not need a Google account to read or comment r correct the Host.)
The Didache: [free PDF] From the 50A.D. 1st Council of Jerusalem led by James the Just, Peter and John—the oldest official statement of the Faith and practices for followers of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Used widely during the Apostolic Age, lost for a 1000 years, and found in the New Testament of oldest existing Bible: the Codex Sinaiticus.
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?
Kyrie freaked herself out... and is tired of talking about herself in 3rd person....
I had two crises that overlapped: I really have not shared my visions much before, then I did just throw them out there for anyone to hear. AND, I found out—even though I have done essentially zero promotion—people are actually downloading and listening to these.
It felt a lot safer when I thought no one would until I found a way to do a bit of promotion. Not a lot, because I think the audience of the Elect is pretty small, but it would be sort of official in my mind. A Launch as it were. But then Buzzsprout sent me an email with the number of downloads in the subject line.
To be sure in podcast terms the numbers are small but still... so I did a mini-retreat and finally took my hands off the damned controls and let Him take care of it. (Like I said, a hard lesson for me to learn.)
Episode 0 here is about that a bit, but more about the process I/we visionaries experience. It's about not believing just because someone (me/they) says something, and giving you a way to validate things you have heard or read that fit for you.
Next: The Universe as Bubbles and being stuck on God.
Podcast not monetized. Links and more:
Contact: kyriedicentis@gmail.com
Companion Blog: https://callingthelect.blogspot.com (You do not need a Google account to read or comment r correct the Host.)
The Didache: [free PDF] From the 50A.D. 1st Council of Jerusalem led by James the Just, Peter and John—the oldest official statement of the Faith and practices for followers of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Used widely during the Apostolic Age, lost for a 1000 years, and found in the New Testament of oldest existing Bible: the Codex Sinaiticus.
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?
DISCLAIMER: This conversation was generated by uploading three chapters of a book I wrote about twenty years ago to Google's test program NotebookLM. I edited the result and posted it because, well, mostly because of medical issues with my speaking ability I'm not going into, but I also thought it did a good job of presenting the material. Yes, I used AI. I think that makes me a double heretic now. On with the intro...
What's beyond Universalism? A conversation about what it means beyond that there is no such thing as the hell we've been taught about. What more does that mean?
This conversation covers 3 chapters from The Elephant Chronicles—a book too scholarly for bookstores and too vernacular for journals—that were gathered and posted as a PDF.
This is way better than listening to me.
Podcast not monetized. Links and more:
Contact: kyriedicentis@gmail.com
Companion Blog: https://callingthelect.blogspot.com (You do not need a Google account to read or comment r correct the Host.)
The Didache: [free PDF] From the 50A.D. 1st Council of Jerusalem led by James the Just, Peter and John—the oldest official statement of the Faith and practices for followers of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Used widely during the Apostolic Age, lost for a 1000 years, and found in the New Testament of oldest existing Bible: the Codex Sinaiticus.
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?
"...measure these experiences according to the worship they accrue to God and the profit to your fellow Christians..." Julian of Norwich
CORRECTION: Late in the episode, and repeated here, I said: If Espousing notions contrary to dogma... I was supposed to also say: "Maybe someone has said you are, or you believe that about yourself." I missed that. Julian's quote is right on.
In the image that is connected to this introduction, some of the words that describe the host, Kyrie Dicentis, (me, hello) are "visionary" and "contemplative." True enough, but I'd never shared much about my own experiences, considering them to be private. But now, having read what Julian said, I think it's time.
This podcast calls to the Elect—anyone who longs to be oned with the Absolute—the unfathomable Love and Light that we call God.
When books and church and rote prayers are just not enough, when you long for Him, to be with Him, or if you've had an extraordinary experience and have found no one else to accept understand, possibly including you, yourself, I am reaching out to you through this podcast. The Elect need to find and support each other.
I am Kyrie Discentis, contemplative, visionary, professional writer, newbie podcaster, Elect, universalist, with backgrounds in science, law, and miracles.
Heresy in Ancient Greek, haíresis (αἵρεσις) meant choice. Also a way of learning about and choosing among philosophies, committing to a way of life.
Alexandria, the center of such heretical pursuits, was home to the Catechetical School of Alexandria, the center of Christian thought and study. Scholars there included Clement, Didymus, Origen.
CHRISTIANITY Jesus of Nazareth received messages directly from God, which is called gnosis. Jesus Christ was a heresiarch, His followers heretics. Ejected from their church, He and His followers were vilified, shunned and killed.
"The Heretic Christian" refers to both host, Kyrie Dicentis and the podcast, itself. If Espousing notions contrary to dogma is heresy, then I am a heretic. If relating what has been given to me by God is gnosis, then I am a gnostic.
But if I am embracing the Words and following the commands of Jesus Christ, then I am simply His follower, a Christian. What I know is:
~We have God in us, as we are in God.
~All will be saved and oned with God.
~The miracles in the New Testament never stopped, today is the same as then and as tomorrow.
~Contemplation is the highest form of prayer and you don't have to be anything special do
Podcast not monetized. Links and more:
Contact: kyriedicentis@gmail.com
Companion Blog: https://callingthelect.blogspot.com (You do not need a Google account to read or comment r correct the Host.)
The Didache: [free PDF] From the 50A.D. 1st Council of Jerusalem led by James the Just, Peter and John—the oldest official statement of the Faith and practices for followers of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Used widely during the Apostolic Age, lost for a 1000 years, and found in the New Testament of oldest existing Bible: the Codex Sinaiticus.
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?
The Liar is hard at work attempting to destroy the LOGOS and our faith. Christ is the LOGOS; the Elect are His Gospel. The Elect are being called to be Oned with Him in the most powerful form of prayer given to us: Mary's "better part."
Here is the Prayer of Faith, the process called Christian Contemplation: a "naked intent, stretching to God." In this episode, we begin to understand. --KD
Mentioned in this episode:
JOHN 14:19-21
"In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, because I live and you will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you.
Whoever embraces my commandments and keeps them is the one who loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him.”
When the Well Runs Dry: Prayer beyond the Beginnings Thomas H. Green, S.J. (copy/paste into your browser, you can find used copies for a few dollars and, of course, new ones)
Podcast not monetized. Links and more:
Contact: kyriedicentis@gmail.com
Companion Blog: https://callingthelect.blogspot.com (You do not need a Google account to read or comment r correct the Host.)
The Didache: [free PDF] From the 50A.D. 1st Council of Jerusalem led by James the Just, Peter and John—the oldest official statement of the Faith and practices for followers of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Used widely during the Apostolic Age, lost for a 1000 years, and found in the New Testament of oldest existing Bible: the Codex Sinaiticus.
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?
The difference between Religion and Mysticism is the difference between Faith and Knowledge.
JOHN 14:24
"Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; yet the word you hear is not mine but that of the Father who sent me."
In this Episode, Kyrie deals with the question: "If we are Elect and know that because we can connect with the Transcendent, what are we supposed to do with that? We are still living this life, we still have dishes to wash and change oil in our cars and buy or receive birthday presents. Walk dogs, scoop litter, cut grass.... what's the point beyond knowing?"
JOHN 14:20
"On that day you will know I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you."
......What day is the Savior referring to? What will finally bring all the disciples to knowledge, what is the primary understanding anyone, everyone, must have:
JOHN 14:2-3
"In my Father’s house, there are many dwelling places. If there were not, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, and as I go and prepare a place for you, I will return again, and then I will take you to myself, so that where I am, you also may be."
......Eternal life. The belief is widespread now, but then, it was a claim akin to a present-day belief in Bigfoot.
JOHN 14:16-17
"And I will ask the Father, and he will give another Advocate to you, so that he may abide with you for eternity: the Spirit of Truth, whom the world is not able to accept, because it neither perceives him nor knows him. But you shall know him. For he will remain with you, and he will be in you."
......Okaaaaay - so now what?
(eta: SIGOURNEY WEAVER!! - you'll get it if you listen....KT)
Podcast not monetized. Links and more:
Contact: kyriedicentis@gmail.com
Companion Blog: https://callingthelect.blogspot.com (You do not need a Google account to read or comment r correct the Host.)
The Didache: [free PDF] From the 50A.D. 1st Council of Jerusalem led by James the Just, Peter and John—the oldest official statement of the Faith and practices for followers of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Used widely during the Apostolic Age, lost for a 1000 years, and found in the New Testament of oldest existing Bible: the Codex Sinaiticus.
Revelations of Divine Love [free PDF] Julian of Norwich
What the Gehenna?
Amanda is a wife. A mother. A blogger. A Christian.
A charming, beautiful, bubbly, young woman who lives life to the fullest.
But Amanda is dying, with a secret she doesn’t want anyone to know.
She starts a blog detailing her cancer journey, and becomes an inspiration, touching and
captivating her local community as well as followers all over the world.
Until one day investigative producer Nancy gets an anonymous tip telling her to look at Amanda’s
blog, setting Nancy on an unimaginable road to uncover Amanda’s secret.
Award winning journalist Charlie Webster explores this unbelievable and bizarre, but
all-too-real tale, of a woman from San Jose, California whose secret ripped a family apart and
left a community in shock.
Scamanda is the true story of a woman whose own words held the key to her secret.
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Amanda’s blog posts are read by actor Kendall Horn.