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Bhagavad Gita - in Telugu by Mantra to Dham
Bhagavad Gita - in Telugu by Mantra to Dham

Bhagavad Gita - in Telugu by Mantra to Dham

Bhagavad Gita - You listen or You read Bhagavad Gita is the best. Because in this world all literature is framed by human beings Except Bhagavad Gita. This is a Song of Supreme Personality of Godhead. So please take advantage of this opportunity in this Podcast. This is spoken in the Telugu language. We also have a YouTube channel, Request to you all pls support by subscribing and sharing this channel, for those who do not have knowledge of podcasts.

Available Episodes 10

Hare Krishna :

Lord Krishna Explaining to arjuna about buddhiyogam

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Hare Krishna!

In this Episode we are understanding different level of People and Process as part of Varna ashrama Dharma .

Please Subscribe : Mantra To Dham Youtube Channel

Donate : 9739138245

Hare Krishna !

In this Episode God Head Krishna Preparing Arjuna's Mind to Fight in the War.

For Donations upi number 9739138245

Prahlad Jivan Das

Watch our channel (1) Mantra To Dham - YouTube Bhagavad Gita-Telugu-Second Chapter - 22

In this Episode Krishna is motivating Arjuna to fight. and guiding arjuna for not to escape from the battle field.

If you like these Bhagavad Gita Podcast

Please Donate to Support using Upi : 9739138245

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Prahlad Jivan Das UPI 9739138245

Hare Krishna ,

In this episode Lord Krishna Suggesting Arjuna to work as Your Duty. One has to do his Prescribed duty.


If you like these Bhagavad Gita Podcast

Please Donate to Support using Upi : 9739138245@apl

Pahlad Jivan Das

Mantra To Dham - YouTube Hare Krishna, In this sloka Lord Krishna Guiding to Arjuna to Follow his Regulative Principles.

Hare Krishna.

Donors can donate ₹1 per episode to upi number 9739138245

If you are out of India Pls take help from India.

Prahlad Jivan Das

Hare Krishna ..! In this two slokas Krishna Says about Atma and ending telling about atma. Here we need to understand that we are all eternal but not bound to this material world.

Hare Krishna. Request you to all, Please go to site and donate just ₹1 for each episode which you listen.

your servant,

Prahlad Jivan Das

Hare Krishna!

In this Episode we are trying to understand the activities of Atma's Characteristics and how to understand the Atma / Soul.

Prahlad Jivan Das (PJD)

Support this Bhagavad Gita in Telugu Podcast. You can Donate ₹1 for each Episode.

Hare Krishna,

In this Episode, Godhead Krishna explains birth and death as a Cycle. It is True that anybody who gets birth has to die.

Prahlad Jivan Das

Hare Krishna !

In this Episode Its explained about Mind, Intelligent, and Soul and some questions.

Prahlad Jivan Das