Love Gregorian Chant but can't sing it? The Chant School podcast is designed to help you sing the ancient chants of the Church with ease. In the Chant School, you will learn the most ancient melodies and texts in the Christian tradition. St. Hugh of Cluny once spoke of how the learning, practicing, and singing of Gregorian chant is a sure way to grow in holiness, in closeness to the Word, and in submission to the discipline of singing God’s praises. Floriani has taken these words to heart, and it is our intent to inspire and educate the next generation of Catholic musicians in the spirit of this beautiful inheritance. We hope you enjoy learning how to sing Gregorian Chant -- the greatest artistic treasure of the Catholic Church!
The Royal Banner forward goes,
The mystic Cross refulgent glows:
Where He, in Flesh, flesh who made,
Upon the Tree of pain is laid.
Behold! The nails with anguish fierce,
His outstretched arms and vitals pierce:
Here our redemption to obtain,
The Mighty Sacrifice is slain.
Here the fell spear his wounded side
With ruthless onset opened wide:
To wash us in that cleansing flood,
Thence mingled Water flowed, and Blood.
Fulfilled is all that David told
In true prophetic song, of old:
Unto the nations, lo! saith he,
Our God hath reignèd from the Tree.
O Tree! In radiant beauty bright!
With regal purple meetly dight!
Thou chosen stem! divinely graced,
Which hath those Holy Limbs embraced!
How blest thine arms, beyond compare,
Which Earth's Eternal Ransom bare!
That Balance where His Body laid,
The spoil of vanquished Hell outweighed.
Hail wondrous Altar! Victim hail!
Thy Glorious Passion shall avail!
Where death Life's very Self endured,
Yet life by that same Death secured.
O Cross! all hail! sole hope, abide
With us now in this Passion-tide:
New grace in pious hearts implant,
And pardon to the guilty grant!
Thee, mighty Trinity! One God!
Let every living creature laud;
Whom by the Cross Thou dost deliver,
O guide and govern now and ever! Amen.
1. O Gregory, that once wast the apostle of the Angli, and now art a companion of the angels! protect now, as of old, the nations that believe in Christ.
2. Thou spurnest wealth and riches and all the glory of the world, that so thou, being poor, mayst follow the Lord Jesus, who was poor.
3. An angel presents himself to thee, in the garb of one that was shipwrecked, and asks an alms; thou first makest him a double gift, and then thou givest him a silver vase.
4. After this, Christ puts thee over his Church, for thou didst imitate the virtues, and now thou hast the honours, of Peter.
5. O excellent Pontiff! Light and ornament of the Church! Thou hast so richly instructed us, assist us in our dangers.
6. From thy lips there flows honey that brings sweetness to the heart. Thy. words are more fragrant than the richest perfume.
7. Admirably dost thou solve the obscure figures of sacred Writ. The divine mysteries are taught thee by him that is the very Truth.
8. O thou that hast the office and the glory of the apostles, pray for us, that we may be loosed from the bonds of sin, and obtain the thrones prepared for us above.
9. To the unbegotten Father, and to his only-begotten Son, and to the Spirit of them both be praise and highest kingship. Amen.
1. Martyr of God, whose strength was steeled
To follow close God's only Son,
Well didst thou brave thy battlefield,
And well thy heavenly bliss was won!
2. Now join thy prayers with ours, who pray
That God may pardon us and bless;
For prayer keeps evil's plague away,
And draws from life its weariness.
3. Long, long ago, were loosed the chains
That held thy body once in thrall;
For us how many a bond remains!
O love of God release us all.
4. All praise to God the Father be,
All praise to Thee, Eternal Son;
All praise, O Holy Ghost, to Thee,
While never-ending ages run.
MARY, Mother of Grace, Mother of mercy,
Shield me from the enemy
And receive me at the hour of my death.
Benedict, precious jewel of the King of Heaven,
Model for the just and way for monks,
Call us forth
From this troubled world.
Spurning what was base,
you set your heart on the stars.
You made heirs of your parents,
For you, God's perfect vessel,
Were fit to repair a shattered one.
Great among a small company of hermits
You overcame your youthfulness
and excelled in your labor
As you fervently undertook
The narrow beginnings of the strict life.
When a youth was buried
in the rubble of a collapsing wall,
He was raised up as soon as you prayed;
With your prayer you restored
Sense to his flesh and health to his body.
You saw your sister's soul, unknown to sin,
Attain the very heights
Of starry heaven
In the form of a gentle dove.
After this marvel you in turn
Sought starry heights, having mastered this life;
Your cloak shone forth
A flaming path charged with light.
Glory to the Father, to the Only Begotten,
And to you, loving Spirit,
Always their equal,
One God for all ages. Amen.
Amanda is a wife. A mother. A blogger. A Christian.
A charming, beautiful, bubbly, young woman who lives life to the fullest.
But Amanda is dying, with a secret she doesn’t want anyone to know.
She starts a blog detailing her cancer journey, and becomes an inspiration, touching and
captivating her local community as well as followers all over the world.
Until one day investigative producer Nancy gets an anonymous tip telling her to look at Amanda’s
blog, setting Nancy on an unimaginable road to uncover Amanda’s secret.
Award winning journalist Charlie Webster explores this unbelievable and bizarre, but
all-too-real tale, of a woman from San Jose, California whose secret ripped a family apart and
left a community in shock.
Scamanda is the true story of a woman whose own words held the key to her secret.
New episodes every Monday.
Follow Scamanda on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen.
Amanda’s blog posts are read by actor Kendall Horn.