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God Bless My Brand
God Bless My Brand

God Bless My Brand

Join host Cherise McAdoo on a spiritual journey to build a successful business and live a faith-filled life. In this podcast, we delve into the power of prayer and faith, exploring how these principles can guide you in all areas of your life, whether you're an entrepreneur or simply seeking a deeper connection with God. Discover practical tips, inspiring stories, and valuable insights on incorporating faith into your daily routines and decision-making. Let's lift our businesses and our lives up together in prayer and watch God work wonders.</p>

Available Episodes 10

Have you ever felt discouraged because your harvest didn’t match your seed? Perhaps you sowed financially, but the return didn’t come in the same form. If we're not careful, we'll become discouraged and believe that our investment was in vain, our efforts weren't enough, or that God didn't answer. 

In this season, it's so important that we are intentional on what we sow, where we sow, and how we sow. And even understand that some seeds may not be harvested for us, they may be for others or for your future lineage. 

Reference Scriptures:
Galatians 6:7
Luke 8:5
2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Have you ever felt overlooked or undervalued? Like your efforts go unnoticed, your contributions are dismissed, or your voice is unheard? You're not alone. But if we’re not careful, we will allow those feelings to seep into our relationship with God. We’ll take God not answering our prayers in the timeline we desire as rejection or not being important to Him. 

The woman who poured her expensive oil on Jesus’ head to prepare Him for burial was never named. The Bible never says that she was summoned to use her gift. The Bible never says that she was praised by those who watched, in fact, the disciples were opposed. But she served anyway. She loved Jesus outwardly anyway. Let us have her spirit. Let us work as we work unto God, even if no one notices. 

Reference Scriptures:

Matthew 26:6-13

Colossians 3:23-25

I know it seems hopeless. I know it's heavy. I know you're tired. But I know more than all of these things, is that God is still on the throne. I know that if you're still here, He has work for you to do. That work must carry on despite what you see. That work must carry on despite what you feel. That work must carry on despite who is in leadership, because He is who we ultimately answer to.
I pray that God breathes a fresh wind of endurance into your spirit this week. I pray that you are reminded that what we see is temporary and pales in comparison to who God is and what He can do. I pray that you are reminded that in the same way that God hasn't given up, neither can you.

Reference Scripture:
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Has your heart ever felt like it was too broken to believe? Ever had someone tell you that you were cold, but you can’t figure out which situation made you that way? Have you ever been too pained to get excited about the possibility?

I’m praying that God softens your heart. I’m praying that He reminds you that nothing is too hard for His resurrecting power. I pray that He restores you back to the goodness and not the guarded nature you’ve taken on. 

Reference Scriptures:
Mark 6:45-52

The enemy's goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. The enemy's goal is to get you so distracted by what you see that you are delayed or completely abort what God has given you to do. And if many of us are honest, there are many moments where we've lost focus without the help of the enemy. We became fearful, we became fatigued and didn't rest, and we became overwhelmed to the point of no return. But not this season. We're going full speed ahead toward what God has for us. 

As we study Nehemiah, we see that despite the obstacles He knew were ahead, He prayed to God for favor. He quoted the Promises of Moses back to God. He continued to declare the success God promised. He remained focus on serving the people and being obedient without delay. He was strategic in his planning and positioning to stay on task. May Nehemiah be our Biblical mentor as we close out this year. May he be our blueprint as we petition God, plan, and prepare.

Reference Scriptures:
Nehemiah 1 -5

Have you ever felt like you couldn't get from under something? You've been to therapy, you've prayed, but you're still in it time and time again. Or maybe, you know deep down that you haven't fully healed from a situation, but you fill it with things that are good in theory (like community, working out, work), but harmful when done in excess? In either scenario, you're covering the root of the issue up because dealing with it is more than we can handle.

Saul did the same thing. When it was time for him to be chosen as king amongst all the tribes, he was hiding amongst the baggage - his baggage. Why? Because even though we may feel the call, the pull, the anointing of what God wants us to do, the shame of where we are and what we carry is to heavy for us to bear alone. God wants to uncover it. He wants to heal the broken parts. He wants to give you true clarity. But you need to let Him uncover you first. Deal?

Reference Scriptures:
1 Samuel 10: 20-24
Genesis 3:9

Hey good people! Has God ever told you no? Like flat out "no" to something or someone you really believed was yours? If so, what was your response? Was it one of anger and disappointment or was it one of trust? 

If you're anything like me, you've had moments where you've leaned more into the former. You've used moments where God said "no" to explain your disobedience. You've used moments where God didn't come through like you wanted as a rationale for why you've strayed away. 

This time, I encourage you to take Hannah's heart posture. One that chooses to bless God, honor God, serve God, love God whether He does what you want or not. One that says "yes" despite the circumstance. After all, He said yes to you knowing all of who you were and what you'd do.

Reference Scriptures:
1 Samuel 1 & 2
Matthew 26:39
Romans 12:1-2

Too many times in our lives, we settle for the something that looks and maybe feels like the real thing, but is really just the precursor. We know that it's not 100% "it", but in fear of what the consequences of moving forward are - we stay instead of fully pursuing what we know to be true. We settle for good and not the good that God has promised us. Often there is nothing wrong with the good, but anything outside of His Will will take us longer to get out of and often cause pain and a compromise.

Want Bible? Jacob spent 14 years earning his second wife Rachel, whom he wanted all along, because he had a moment of weakness and accidentally slept with Leah. The Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness because they believed God's promises up until things looked bigger than what they could achieve in their own strength. Don't settle. Don't fold. Wait on His promises.

Reference Scriptures:
Numbers 13-14
Genesis 29: 14-30

Hey good people! This episode is definitely a double edge sword, so know I'm holding your hand as you receive what God corrected me on too. Too many of us are limiting God in both His power to bless us with more. We make ourselves small and limit what and how God can do, because of what we've seen or experienced. Others of us are taking advantage of God's grace and mercy by operating out of alignment and believing that because God is kind, that our actions go unnoticed and have no consequences.

Let us take caution from the Israelites and not allow our limitations of God to cost us our position.

Reference Scriptures:
Numbers 13:30-33
Numbers 14: 1-38

Hey good people! Do you have clear boundaries? Better yet, do you have boundaries that hold you accountable? Boundaries are difficult because they cause us to be accountable for the expectations and consequences of what happens when we or other people violate them. But they are also beautiful because they isolate us and keep us safe.

The Lord, and the prophet Samuel, gave Saul clear boundaries in order to establish his reign. But Saul, like many of us, ran roughshod over those boundaries because we were focused on the timing of what we were promised more than the instructions that came with them. 

Reference Scriptures:
1 Samuel 13-15