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Straight Outta Gita
Straight Outta Gita

Straight Outta Gita

Reading the verses of Bhagavad Gita, reading the explanations and perspectives explained through the words of Swami Chinmayananada and wrapping up every episodes with a SOG millennial perspective on what we can takeaway!

Available Episodes 4

The first few verses Arjuna speaks about the opposite army of Kauvravas to Lord Krishna! 

The first half of the first chapter helps us imagine how the battlefield would have felt like, great warriors on either sides, ready to fight! 

Bhagavad Gita

So what events led to the Mahabharata war and ultimately created an opportunity for the discourse between Lord Krishna & Arjuna? Find out in this episode of Straight Outta Gita!

Bhagavad Gita

Curious about Bhagavad Gita? Welcome to Straight Outta Gita podcast.