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Smelody Talks
Smelody Talks

Smelody Talks

Welcome to my Podcast! I am Melody Coker, the other half of Sidewalk Chalk Studios podcast., “Smelody Talks” is my solo podcast in which I discuss all things related to my weekly train of thought. If you aren’t a fan of solo podcasts, I understand, but give my first podcast a shot. It’s not very long, and its well organized to entertain a wide range of listeners. Join me weekly and check out our Sidewalk Chalk Studios page!</p>

Available Episodes 4

Welcome back to my podcast! It has been several months since my last upload, but before you judge me, pop an air pod in, and listen to my excuses! If you find any of my content relatable, you should reach out to me. Maybe we can be friends.

There are plenty of topics covered including psoa muscles, history, and mom life. There is something special about mom stories, as gruesome as some are. There is love and tragedy in all things; let us become comfortable with these things. -Melody

Thank you for listening to my second podcast! This episode is all over the place, structurally. The content is wealthy in terms of different stories. I intergrated a poem, off the cuff, and laughed at myself too much. I hope you enjoy, lets get back on track.