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Democracy and Z
Democracy and Z

Democracy and Z

An educational outreach project of 91.7 WVXU

Available Episodes 10

Mr. Aaron Parker

Listen below to hear Aiken high school students discuss justice and their jobs in environmental justice from this part summer.

When we consider what “Democracy and Me” can mean, we must consider the idea of justice.  Over the next few weeks, the Agriculture Career Tech Pathway Students and Community Partners of Aiken New Tech High School in the Cincinnati Public Schools will be contributing their perspective and voice on how they are taking action on issues of social justice, environmental justice, heath justice, financial justice, and food justice (sovereignty).  

Aiken New Tech High School is a grades 7-12 college and career preparatory high school.  The Agriculture Career Tech Pathway is a vocational series of classes focusing on Agribusiness and Production that includes:  Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources; Animal and Plant Science; Greenhouse and Nursery Management; and Global Economics and Food Markets.  Students take part in the 3-Circle Model of Agriculture that is:  1. classroom as an interactive laboratory,, 2. Supervised Agricultural Experiences / Work-Based Learning, 3. Participation in Future Farmers of America.  Situated on 61 acres of land, our Agriculture Campus includes a production farm of 35-raised beds, mushroom growing lab, coffee roasterie, 2 high tunnels, a greenhouse, orchard, 4 alpacas, 6 goats, 1 Zebu steer, and a collection of rabbits, quail, ducks, chickens, and Guinea fowl.  Completing the Agriculture Campus are an on-campus forest and prairie as well as the adjoining Cincinnati Parks Preserve of Greeno Woods that supports habitat for wildlife.  It is within Aiken’s agriculture program that students are provided opportunities to take action on issues of social, environmental, health, financial, and food justice.  

The food we grow is to provide food security for the students and community members needing local, fresh, and nutritious food.  Students source seed, plant, care for, harvest, and distribute food that is culturally valued by our community, so it is valued.  Eggs hatched by students of quail, chicken, duck, and Guinea fowl are a source of protein so frequently missing from growing and active adolescent diets.  The expertise and resources of the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati, La Soupe, and the Society of St. Andrew - Ohio helps ensure food sovereignty for all.  Financial security is achieved through students who perform and get paid for work-based learning during and after school as well as during the summer.  Good paying Green jobs that are centered around sustainability and technical skill attainment provide resume building, employment skills, and income that is essential for both students and the families that money assists.  Work-based learning occurs with the interest and support of Groundwork Ohio River Valley, Co-op Cincy, Cancer Justice Network, La Terza Artisan Coffee Roasterie, and Hamilton County Youth Employment.  Health is improved through the mental wellness of having an outdoor classroom as well as access to the healthy food from our Aiken Farm and the Health Fairs and Vaccination Clinics organized by our FFA Chapter.  Taking care of one's health requires eating well, practicing mindfulness, being active, and knowing how to navigate a complex and sometimes difficult health care system which our FFA students help educate as Health Navigators with Cancer Justice Network.  Care for the air we breathe, water we drink, and land we occupy is monitored for sustainability through stewardship and engagement of community partners for environmental justice with Green Teams of Groundwork Ohio River Valley, Environmental Protection Agency and Green Umbrella as a Regional Climate Collaborative.  Social justice is the diversity, equity, and inclusion we seek through an urban agriculture pathway that is in need of capitalizing on resources as well as being able to give back the community through service and value through the telling of our stories at Maketank Inc. and the dedication to inclusivity in our Cincinnati Public Schools.

Through a series of blog posts and podcasts we aim to draw your attention to the selfless action of care that is embodied in justice that is layered throughout our Aiken New Tech High School Agriculture Career Tech Pathway.  Students sharing their perspectives and voices will raise awareness and ignite a fire of action in you in which they are the spark.  For a preview of what you can expect to read, hear, and see on “Democracy and Me,” we encourage you to visit a few resources:

Aiken New Tech High School:

Aiken Agriculture Weekly Newsletters:

Aiken Agriculture Facebook Page:

Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: Agriculture and Environmental Systems:

Future Farmers of America:

Groundwork Ohio River Valley:

Maketank Inc.:

Cancer Justice Network:

Co-op Cincy:

Hamilton County Youth Employment:

Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati:

La Soupe:

Society of St. Andrew - Ohio: 

Dr. Nathan S. French

A school field trip to Washington, D.C. is a formative rite of passage shared by many U.S. school students across the nation. Often, these are framed as “field trips.” Students may visit the White House, the U.S. Capitol Building, the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress, Declaration of Independence (housed in the National Archive), the National Museum of the American Indian, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the Jefferson Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, or the Smithsonian Museum – among others. For many students, this is the first time they will connect the histories of their textbooks to items, artifacts, and buildings that they can see and feel.

For those arriving to Washington, D.C. by airplane or bus, the field trip might also seem like a road trip. Road trips, often involving movement across the U.S. from city-to-city and state-to-state are often framed as quintessential American experiences. Americans have taken road trips to follow their favorite bands, to move to universities and new jobs, to visit the hall of fame of their favorite professional or collegiate sport, or sites of family history. As Dr. Andrew Offenberger observes in our interview, road trips have helped American authors, like Kiowa poet N. Scott Momaday, make sense of their identities as Americans.

What if, however, these field trips to Washington, D.C. and road trips across the country might amount to something else? What if we considered them to be pilgrimages? Would that change our understanding of them?

For many Americans, the first word that comes to mind when they hear the word, “pilgrimage,” involves the pilgrims of Plymouth, a community of English Puritans who colonized territory in Massachusetts, at first through a treaty with the Wampanoag peoples, but eventually through their dispossession. For many American communities, the nature of pilgrimage remains a reminder of forced displacement, dispossession, and a loss of home and homeland.

Pilgrimage, as a term, might also suggest a religious experience. There are multiple podcasts, blogs, and videos discussing the Camino de Santiago, a number of pilgrimage paths through northern Spain. Others might think of making a pilgrimage to the Christian, Jewish, or Muslim sacred spaces in Israel and Palestine often referred to as the “Holy Land” collectively – including the Temple Mount, the Dome of the Rock, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (among others). Mark Twain’s Innocents Abroad, is a classic example of this experience. Some make pilgrimage to Salem, Massachusetts each October. Others even debate whether the Crusades were a holy war or pilgrimage.

American experiences of pilgrimage have led to substantial transformations in our national history and to our constitutional rights. Pilgrimage, as a movement across state, national, or cultural boundaries, has often been used by Americans to help them make sense of who they are, where they came from, and what it means, to them, to be “an American.”

The word, “pilgrimage,” traces its etymology from the French, pèlerinage and from the Latin, pelegrines, with a general meaning of going through the fields or across lands as a foreigner. As a category used by anthropologists and sociologists in the study of religion, “pilgrimage” is often used as a much broader term, studying anything ranging from visits to Japanese Shinto shrines, the Islamic pilgrimage of Hajj, “birthright” trips to Israel by American Jewish youth, and, yes, even trips to Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee – the home of Elvis Presley.

Arnold van Gennep (1873-1957) defined pilgrimage as one of a number of rites of passage (i.e., a rite du passage) that involves pilgrims separating themselves from broader society, moving themselves into a place of transition, and then re-incorporating their transformed bodies and minds back into their home societies. That moment of transition, which van Gennep called “liminality,” was the moment when one would become something new – perhaps through initiation, ritual observation, or by pushing one’s personal boundaries outside of one’s ordinary experience.

Clifford Geertz (1926-2006), a contemporary of Turner, argued that a pilgrimage helps us to provide a story within which we are able to orient ourselves in the world.

Consider, for example, the role that a trip to Arlington National Cemetery or the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier plays in a visit by a high school class to Washington, D.C. If framed and studied as a pilgrimage, Geertz’s theory would suggest that a visit to these sites can be formative to an American’s understanding of national history and, perhaps just as importantly, the visit will reinforce for Americans the importance of national service and remembrance of those who died in service to the defense of the United States. When we return from those school field trips to Washington, D.C., then, we do so with a new sense of who we are and where we fit into our shared American history.

Among the many examples that we could cite from American history, two pilgrimages in particular – those of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X – provide instructive examples.

Held three years after the unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education, the 1957 “Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom,” led by Dr. King brought together thousands in order to, as he described it, “call upon all who love justice and dignity and liberty, who love their country, and who love mankind …. [to] renew our strength, communicate our unity, and rededicate our efforts, firmly but peaceably, to the attainment of freedom.” Posters for the event promised that it would “arouse the conscience of the nation.” Drawing upon themes from the Christian New Testament, including those related to agape – a love of one’s friends and enemies – King’s speech at the “Prayer Pilgrimage” brought national attention to his civil rights movement and established an essential foundation for his return to Washington, D.C. and his “I Have a Dream Speech,” six years later.

In April 1964, Malcolm X departed to observe the Muslim pilgrimage ritual of Hajj in the city of Mecca in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Hajj is an obligation upon all Muslims, across the globe, and involves rituals meant to remind them of their responsibilities to God, to their fellow Muslims, and of their relationship to Ibrahim and Ismail (i.e., Abraham and Ishamel) as found in the Qur’an. Before his trip, Malcolm X had expressed skepticism about building broader ties to American civil rights groups. His experience on Hajj, he wrote, was transformational. "The holy city of Mecca had been the first time I had ever stood before the creator of all and felt like a complete human being,” he wrote, “People were hugging, they were embracing, they were of all complexions …. The feeling hit me that there really wasn't what he called a color problem, a conflict between racial identities here." His experience on Hajj was transformative. The result? Upon return to the United States, Malcolm X pledged to work with anyone – regardless of faith and race – who would work to change civil rights in the United States. His experiences continue to resonate with Americans.

These are but two stories that contribute to American pilgrimage experiences. Today, Americans go on pilgrimages to the Ganges in India, to Masada in Israel, to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, and to Bethlehem in Palestine, and to cities along the Trail of Tears and along the migration of the Latter-Day Saints church westward. Yet, they also go on pilgrimages and road trips to the Pro Football Hall of Fame, to the baseball hall of fame in Cooperstown, to the national parks, and to sites of family and community importance. In these travels, they step outside of the ordinary and, in encountering the diversities of the U.S., sometimes experience the extraordinary changing themselves, and the country, in the process.

* * *

Questions for Class Discussion

What is a “pilgrimage”? What is a road trip? Are they similar? Different? Why?

Must a pilgrimage only be religious or spiritual? Why or why not?

How has movement – from city to city, or place to place, or around the world – changed U.S. history and the self-understanding of Americans? What if those movements had never occurred? How would the U.S. be different?

Have you been on a pilgrimage? Have members of your family? How has it changed your sense of self? How did it change that of your family members?

If you were to design a pilgrimage, what would it be? Where would it take place? Would it involve special rituals or types of dress? Why? What would the purpose of your pilgrimage be?

How do other communities understand their pilgrimages? Do other cultures have “road trips” like the United States?

Additional Sources:

Ohio History and Pilgrimage

Fort Ancient Earthworks & Nature Preserve, Ohio History Connection (link).

  • National Geographic Society, “Intriguing Interactions [Hopewell],” Grades 9-12 (link)

Documentary Podcasts & Films

“In the Light of Reverence,” 2001 (link)

An examination of Lakota, Hopi, and Wintu ties to and continued usages of their homelands and a question of how movement through land may be considered sacred by some and profane by others.

Melvin Bragg, “Medieval Pilgrimage,” BBC: In our Time, February 2021 (link)

Bruce Feiler: Sacred Journeys (Pilgrimage). PBS Films (link) along with educator resources (link).

The American Pilgrimage Project. Berkley Center, Georgetown University (link).

Arranged by StoryCorps, a collection of video and audio interviews with Americans of diverse backgrounds discussing their religious and spiritual identities and their intersections with American life.

Dave Whitson, “The Camino Podcast,” (link) on Spotify (link), Apple (link)

A collection of interviews with those of varying faiths and spiritualities discussing pilgrimage experiences.

Popular Media & Websites

“Dreamland: American Travelers to the Holy Land in the 19th Century,” Shapell (link)

A curated digital museum gallery cataloguing American experiences of pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Israel, and Palestine.

LaPier, Rosalyn R. “How Standing Rock Became a Site of Pilgrimage.” The Conversation, December 7, 2016 (link).

Talamo, Lex. Pilgrimage for the Soul. South Dakota Magazine, May/June 2019. (link).


Grades K-6

Murdoch, Catherine Gilbert. The Book of Boy. New York: Harper Collins, 2020 (link).

Wolk, Lauren. Beyond the Bright Sea. New York: Puffin Books, 2018 (link).

Grades 7-12

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. New York: Penguin Books, 2003 (link).

Malcolm X. The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley. New York: Ballantine Books, 1992 (link).

Melville, Herman. Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in the Holy Land. New York: Library of America, n.d. (link).

Murray, Pauli. Song in a Weary Throat: Memoir of an American Pilgrimage. New York: Liveright, 1987 (link).

Reader, Ian. Pilgrimage: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015 (link).

Twain, Mark. The Innocents Abroad. New York: Modern Library, 2003 (link).


Bell, Catherine. Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

Bloechl, Jeffrey, and André Brouillette, eds. Pilgrimage as Spiritual Practice: A Handbook for Teachers, Wayfarers, and Guides. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2022.

Frey, Nancy Louise Louise. Pilgrim Stories: On and Off the Road to Santiago, Journeys Along an Ancient Way in Modern Spain. First Edition. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.

Lévi-Strauss, Claude

Patterson, Sara M., “Traveling Zions: Pilgrimage in Modern Mormonism,” in Pioneers in the Attic: Place and Memory along the Mormon Trail. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020 (link).

Pazos, Antón. Redefining Pilgrimage: New Perspectives on Historical and Contemporary Pilgrimages. London: Routledge, 2014 (link).

Reader, Ian. Pilgrimage: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015 (link).

Van Gennep, Arnold. The Rites of Passage. Translated by Monika B. Vizedom and Gabrielle L. Caffee. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1960 (link)

The return of Democracy & Z!

Democracy and Me intern, Yoshie, was joined by Clark Montessori Senior, Nevaeh in a discussion on Women's History Month, Black History Month, and women of color who made a difference. Be sure to catch the 2nd half of the conversation next week!

Less bugs, more microphones—this is how we like to commune with the elements here at D&Z. Cincinnati Public Radio’s first-ever PodCamp brought together students from across the region on a recent Sunday afternoon to brainstorm, develop, and record their own mini-podcasts, with inspiration and tech help from some creative pros. Here’s what the three teams came up with... and then some. Introduction: Jordan Polk, of Elementz, recent alumnus of Democracy & Me and the University of Cincinnati Part 1: Lost in Transition Real talk about what these Covid school years have done to us, with Norah Zellen and Annabelle Freeman of Nagel Middle School; Emmalee Brammer of North Adams H.S., and Olivia Kelly of Winton Woods H.S. Content advisory: This segment contains references to self-harm, suicide, vaping, and drug use. Part 2: #Overrated Pawan Rai of Aiken New Tech H.S. and Jonathan Moody of Walnut Hills H.S. explain why that movie (which they may or may not have seen) is not as good as you think it is. Also: geometry class. Too many numbers. Part 3: Mind Your Business The real problem is that too many people (and some entire countries) are paying attention to all the wrong things. With Sydnie Barrett of Walnut Hills H.S., and Syriene Djakata and Joyeuse Muhorakeye of Aiken H.S. Part 4: Playback Circle Time We came, we played, we podded: PodCampers and staff work the picket line and reflect on the day's lessons. Incidental audio featuring the students with D&Z producer Julie Coppens, CET-TV education producer Mark Lammers, guest artists Candice Handy of Cincinnati Shakespeare Co., Jordan Polk of Elementz, and Harrison Hensley and Ellyn Broderick of ComedySportz OTR. Special thanks to Mark, Kristen Teter and all our friends at CET-TV for co-hosting, WVXU audio engineer Derrick Smith for working the board, “Start Hear” podcast producer Tripp Eldredge for giving us the lowdown, and to Myles Bess of KQED’s “Above the Noise” for an awesome pep talk. Episode recorded at WVXU and CET-TV on May 1, 2022

With Earth Day on the horizon (April 22), we go deep into our own connections with nature, health and the environment. We consider the past—Earth Day itself goes all the way back to 1970—and the present, with the Biden Administration’s once-ambitious ecology agenda currently on ice*, while scientists’ climate-change projections only heating up. For many of us in Gen Z, the future is scary: “It’s like a time limit on our lives,” says Walnut Hills High Schooler Nola Stowe. But by learning more about the hows and whys of the climate crisis, environmental injustice, endangered species, pollution, drought and other problems, local and global, we plant seeds of solutions. And that helps us stay hopeful.  

The podcasters:

Harnoor Mann (host), University of Cincinnati

Nola Stowe, Walnut Hills H.S.

A.J. Jones, recent graduate, University of Cincinnati

*The New York Times Daily podcast just had a good episode about this.

Click here for NPR’s climate coverage.

Click here for details on the Greater Cincinnati Earth Day Festival on April 23; we’ll share info on other local events on the D&Me blog.

Here’s a Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library link for the book Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Wall Kimmerer, referenced by Nola during this episode. And here’s California Governor Gavin Newsom’s executive order to phase out gas-powered cars, mentioned by A.J.

And click here to access a vintage D&Z episode from September 2020, talking about Gen Z’s environmental activism with two young brothers from the Navajo Nation. It’s still one of our favorites.

Conversation recorded on Zoom April 10, 2022

Seedling photo illustration by Freedomz/Shutterstock

The producers of the 94th Academy Awards—airing at 8 p.m. this Sunday on ABC—hope a new “Fan Favorite” award, celebrating popular hits like Cinderella and Spider-Man: No Way Home, will entice Gen Z to tune into the three-hour trophy show. Maybe? Can you give Encanto some love while you’re at it? But we really wish Hollywood took teens, especially Black and Brown teens, more seriously: we’re smart, we’re globally aware, we carry our entertainment with us wherever we go, and we’re not satisfied with most of what you’re marketing to us. Do better, and we might keep watching. Joining us for this special movie-themed episode is our good friend TT Stern-Enzi, film critic for Fox 19 and artistic director of the Over-the-Rhine Film Festival.  

The podcasters:

Robert Thikkurissy (host), University of Cincinnati, Transition & Access Program

Pawan Rai, Aiken New Tech H.S.

Joyeuse Muhorakeye, Aiken H.S.

Lael Ingram, Walnut Hills H.S.

with guest film critic TT Stern-Enzi

Conversation recorded on Zoom March 13, 2022

Oscars smartphone illustration by Jimmy Tudeschi/Shutterstock

One star, would not recommend this particular thrill ride—but pandemic extremes have been our daily reality for the last two years, which, we’d like to point out, is a huge chunk of your life when you’re a teenager. 

So what have we learned? What have we lost? And what the heck now: Are we safely back at the station, or is it time to brace ourselves for the next loop-de-loop? Buckle up, keep your hands and feet inside the car, and ride along with us as we talk all things COVID-19, now chugging into year three. First, though, you’ll hear some students from Diamond Oaks Career Campus in Cincinnati, sharing their own pandemic ups and downs. 

The podcasters:

  • Robert Thikkurissy (host), University of Cincinnati, Transition & Access Program
  • AJ Jones, UC graduate
  • Nico Luginbill, Walnut Hills H.S.
  • Pawan Rai, Aiken H.S.
  • Syriene Djakata, Aiken H.S.
  • Tasnim Saad, Aiken H.S.
  • Antonia R. Willis, Taft IT H.S.
  • Bryan Aguilera, Virtual H.S.

Conversation recorded on Zoom March 6, 2022

Episode edited by Sydnie Barrett, Walnut Hills H.S., with D&Z producer Julie Coppens 

Music composed by Noah Hawes, of Elementz

Roller-coaster illustration by vectorcorp/Shutterstock

The news started coming in overnight Wednesday: after weeks of military buildup on the Ukrainian border, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on the former Soviet Republic, now an independent democracy and home to more than 40 million people. On Thursday, those citizens of Ukraine—and most of the rest of the world—were in shock and terror, many fleeing for safety and all wondering how far this unprovoked attack might go.

Regina Appatova is an ESL educator at Aiken New Tech High School in Cincinnati, who grew up in Ukraine and lived in Russia. We asked her to help us understand the conflict, the enduring bonds between the two countries, and what it’s been like this week for Americans like her with roots and loved ones in Eastern Europe. “It’s a nightmare,” she says—and no one knows how much worse the situation might get, before Putin gets what he wants. 

The podcasters:

  • Nico Luginbill, Walnut Hills H.S.
  • Joyeuse Muhorakeye, Aiken New Tech H.S.
  • Pawan Rai, Aiken H.S.
  • Tasnim Saad, Aiken H.S.
  • Syriene Djakata, Aiken H.S.
  • Antonia R. Willis, Taft H.S.
  • Bryan Aguilera, Virtual H.S.
  • Lael Ingram, Walnut Hills H.S.

Conversation recorded on Zoom Feb. 24, 2022, with D&Z producer Julie Coppens

Map illustration by Kirill Makarov/Shutterstock

Here’s a link to NPR’s ongoing coverage of the Ukraine invasion:

Live updates from The New York Times:

And here’s a link to a story from WVXU reporter Becca Costello about how Cincinnati is responding to the crisis:

Marvel Studios’ Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings is officially the biggest movie of the year, earning almost $200 million in U.S. cinemas since its Sept. 3 release, and winning almost universal praise from critics and audiences. The film stars Simu Liu as an unlikely superhero who must confront his past—the father (Tony Leung) who raised Shang-Chi to be an assassin, and the sister (Meng'er Zhang) he had to leave behind. Spoiler alert: Shang-Chi overcomes his childhood trauma and saves the world, with help from a goofy sidekick (Awkwafina), a wise auntie (Michelle Yeoh), and other memorable characters and creatures, not to mention a magical set of rings that can lasso and pummel all enemies into submission, plus, whoever wears them lives forever. So OK, it’s a great movie, a packed with action and emotion… but how well does it get Asian cultural representation? We invited six pop-culture-savvy teenagers from the Greater Cincinnati Chinese Cultural Exchange Association to give us their take. One more spoiler: These students have some brilliant insights into the language, mythology, music, design, and family dynamics of this martial arts-infused Hollywood blockbuster. Now playing only in theatres, Shang-Chi is set to stream on Disney+ beginning Nov. 12. Audiences in China, though, are still waiting for a release date, as officials there have cracked down on imported media, and might have a dagger-ax to grind with this movie in particular—but our guest podcasters hope everyone who can see the film, will see it, and be inspired to learn more about the rich and diverse cultures of the Chinese diaspora, so respectfully portrayed on screen. The podcasters: Lillian Wang, Mason H.S. (host)Vivian Chang, Mason H.S.Julia Zhu, Mason H.A.Ryan Zhang, Sycamore H.S.David Zhang, Sycamore H.S.Howard Weng, Sycamore H.S. Click here to read a review of the Shang-Chi film by Democracy & Me intern Cierra Britten, in the UC News-Record. Click here to check out TeenTalk, the new podcast from GCCCEA’s youth program, on Spotify. Click here for a CityBeat article on Cincinnati’s Moon Festival, an Asian cultural celebration Oct. 2 on Fountain Square.  Special thanks to Felicity Tao and the GCCCEA for making this episode possible.

Major-league sports and premier events like the Olympics have long been an American obsession, but so far, Gen Z seems to be sitting out—unless, say, our hometown Cincinnati Bengals happen to make it to the Super Bowl, but even then we’ll probably be scrolling something else on the side, because football takes forever.

Other than turning their entire product into a video game—one youth-outreach strategy described in a recent New York Times article—what can the NFL, the NBA, and other legacy leagues do to win us over? For starters: try being less racist*, less sexist, less exploitative, and more diverse, inclusive, and sustainable.

More than a better game, we want a better world, and we think sports can help us get there. But the industry needs a new game plan.

The podcasters:

  • Alberto C. Jones (host)
  • Nico Luginbill, Walnut Hills H.S.
  • Joyeuse Muhorakeye, Aiken New Tech H.S.
  • Pawan Rai, Aiken New Tech H.S.

Conversation recorded on Zoom Feb. 13, 2022 (Super Bowl Sunday)

* Recommended listening: Here’s an NPR interview with former Miami Dolphins head coach Brian Flores, who’s filed a class-action lawsuit against the NFL, alleging racial discrimination in hiring.