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Mulberry Meditations
Mulberry Meditations

Mulberry Meditations

Welcome to Mulberry Meditations! Our daily prayers follow a contemplative liturgy, or pattern, in the long tradition of Christians who have utilized scripture readings, repeated refrains, and silence to commune through prayer. Together, we hear scriptures from the daily lectionary, familiar hymn lyrics and music, and engage gradually in a time of silence, always preceded by scripture, that we may hear from God through God’s word.

Available Episodes 10

Because of my health condition, I am unfortunately having to suspend these prayer podcasts. Thank you for your listenership! I look forward to being back with you soon.

Prayers for the Third Sunday of Easter

Prayers for the season of Easter

Prayers for the season of Easter

Prayers for the season of Easter

Prayers for the season of Easter

Prayers for the season of Easter

Prayers for the Season of Easter

Prayers for the Second Sunday of Easter