Kashmir has been under a tight security lockdown with a near complete communications blackout since August 5. On the same day, Amit Shah, the Minister of Home Affairs, moved a Bill in the Rajya Sabha seeking to split Jammu and Kashmir into two union territories - one comprising of Jammu and Kashmir regions and the other comprising Leh and Kargil, jointly Ladakh. This move also means that the State of Jammu and Kashmir would no longer be extended a special status, as guaranteed under Article 370 and Article 35A. Voices from the Lockdown, a Firstpost podcast, intends to explore the situation in Kashmir, Ladakh and Jammu through conversations with journalists and experts who are from or have worked in the region.
Amanda is a wife. A mother. A blogger. A Christian.
A charming, beautiful, bubbly, young woman who lives life to the fullest.
But Amanda is dying, with a secret she doesn’t want anyone to know.
She starts a blog detailing her cancer journey, and becomes an inspiration, touching and
captivating her local community as well as followers all over the world.
Until one day investigative producer Nancy gets an anonymous tip telling her to look at Amanda’s
blog, setting Nancy on an unimaginable road to uncover Amanda’s secret.
Award winning journalist Charlie Webster explores this unbelievable and bizarre, but
all-too-real tale, of a woman from San Jose, California whose secret ripped a family apart and
left a community in shock.
Scamanda is the true story of a woman whose own words held the key to her secret.
New episodes every Monday.
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Amanda’s blog posts are read by actor Kendall Horn.