The Secret Teachings radio show has been around for over ten years, beginning in 2009 as a volunteer program at a college radio station. The broadcast focuses on the synchronicity of all things. From para-politics and the parapsychological, to health, history, occultism, symbolism, myth, and magic, host Ryan Gable brings it all together with no identify by finding parallels and patterns often overlooked. Ryan will also welcome researchers, radio hosts, authors, and others to discuss a large variety of subjects in an objective manner.
NASA is working fast to set the foundation for the open acknowledgment of alien life. The agency has hired 24 theologians to take part in a program at the Center for Theological Inquiry and Princeton University. This comes on the heels of the Department of Defence's new AOIMSG program to catalog and investigate UAP's and the launch of NASA's James Web Telescope on Christmas. This telescope, according to one report, may "change the way we look at the universe and maybe what is written in scriptures of all religions." NASA has also recently called for a framework to be established to classify life beyond Earth. The Vatican has for years also weighed in on the subject with Pope Francis saying that he'd baptize an alien, while the Vatican's astronomer (Jose Funes) who dismissed 'intelligent design' said he'd also baptize the alien. Jesuit Jose Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory, went even further in 2008 by stating that intelligent beings may not need redemption from God. This presents an interesting series of questions: would the introduction of alien life, either distant in the stars or above our heads and out of communication on earth, reshape our religious and political systems? Would it be possible to merely introduce the public to the idea but not actually introduce us to the aliens, yet leverage the potential fears, worries, cultural collapse, etc., for more social control based on another invisible enemy? Perhaps the alien card, real or imagined, could be concocted into a narrative to further the great reset. If James Web is going to be used to rewrite sacred scripture, perhaps the real purpose is to destroy true faith in the sacred and unconsecrate the Holy. Perhaps the UFO/UAP can solve the 'climate crisis' too.
The angel of death is flapping his ominous wings over humanity. From the vampirism, eugenics, and human trafficking carried out by those like Jeffrey Epstein and Peter Nygard, to the increasing hysterics of adherents to the cult of scientism casting themselves deeper and deeper into a black abyss. Those conjuring this angel of suffering are practicing the blackest magic and reciting their ceremonies from their book of shadows. Summoning the "umbrarum" or shadow for power requires a releasing of the spirit and adherence to the dark waters of the leviathan.
Canceled flights on Christmas Eve, virtual church service, bank closures, less abundance, and threats against family members to be an experiment or stay home, has effectively turned the energy of Christmas into a dystopian unholy day. Meanwhile, smash and grab jobs continue at major retail stores that supported months of violence justified as peaceful protests. One would think that if the goal of these Christmas thieves was to feed and clothe themselves they would instead smash and grab at a grocery store or goodwill. The world in chains is the prodigy of the Dark Winter, a scenario in which a totalitarian government uses a novel system to lock the world into perpetual suffering. But is it actually happening or is it a psychological ruse?
Finally, we are at a point where the grand unified theory of conspiracy, the paranormal, the unidentified, and the unexplained, unfolds in one terrifying and all inspiring realization. It doesn’t take the new Matrix film to remind fans of the plot. During the war with the machines, the sky was darkened to prevent the initial machines from obtaining their energy. As a response, the machines began to farm, cultivate, and exploit the energy of the human as a battery to power their systems. But like in the movie The Island, the clones would only be useful if they had been allowed to obtain consciousness. In the same way for the same reason, the machines plugged humans into a virtual simulation of their world at the height of the 20th century. This simulation of the real world is the womb of synthetic growth. It powers the machine world and feeds the artificial system.
It’s beginning to look a lot like the official disclosure of UFOs is nothing but a money pit, a political tool, and a psychological weapon. Overnight, academia and government have acknowledged in part what has been mocked for decades. Why? Credible, and incredible, cases of UFOs go back to the second world war and far before. The evidence is not confined to a few TicTac‘s. But a new narrative has been formed. It just may be possible to convince the public that an invisible alien force exists - supported by physical man-made craft that look and act exotic - in order to obtain the holy grail of social and psychological control. It already seems to have worked with an invisible microscopic enemy. Perhaps this enemy was the first wave of invasion or maybe the new enemy can save us from the old enemy.
Just in time for Christmas some government officials have taken drastic action to curb the spread of a vague disease by specifically terrifying the public and hoping to coerce compliance in the shut down of society. These actions have for two straight years accomplished what many religious-minded have been worried about: the canceling of Christmas. Some may call it the war on Christmas but the anti-religious simply deny that claim. Whatever the case, the true war is being waged on culture. When people tell me that there is no war on Christmas, I do not agree. When people tell me that there is a war on Christmas, I don’t necessarily agree. It’s more complex than that.
For many Americans Christmas has seemingly been canceled. The excuse? An obscure amount of people did not do their due diligence in following vague mitigation procedures. Now Krampus has arrived early to prevent family gatherings, feasting, general celebration, and gift giving. More people seem to be afraid of what their relatives might transmit to them than they are about what they may receive as a present. Instead of seeing a joyous face, folks in California and New York will be seeing pieces of dirty cloth draped over the face of their loved ones as if they were common criminals trying to hide their identity. Instead of a 12 days of Christmas celebration, many are instructed to enact 12 days of quarantine. This year, the only gift being widely distributed in an experiment mRNA shot that promises to deliver illness faster than spoiled eggnog.
Ryan Gable returns with a new studio and takes calls from listeners while focusing on show developments and providing a different perspective on recent extreme weather.
Jordan Maxwell will join the broadcast once again to discuss the etymological origin of our language and how it traps our perception. From birth to bank, words control our views more than guns. Jordan will also detail some of his past and divulge what he knows of “the secret teachings.”
Amanda is a wife. A mother. A blogger. A Christian.
A charming, beautiful, bubbly, young woman who lives life to the fullest.
But Amanda is dying, with a secret she doesn’t want anyone to know.
She starts a blog detailing her cancer journey, and becomes an inspiration, touching and
captivating her local community as well as followers all over the world.
Until one day investigative producer Nancy gets an anonymous tip telling her to look at Amanda’s
blog, setting Nancy on an unimaginable road to uncover Amanda’s secret.
Award winning journalist Charlie Webster explores this unbelievable and bizarre, but
all-too-real tale, of a woman from San Jose, California whose secret ripped a family apart and
left a community in shock.
Scamanda is the true story of a woman whose own words held the key to her secret.
New episodes every Monday.
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Amanda’s blog posts are read by actor Kendall Horn.